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Revision as of 15:23, 28 October 2014 by (talk | contribs)

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Project name: Data element bulk editor

The current "Data Elements" application is an editor for data elements ment to be used when creating forms. All kinds of data elements can be added, but all elements contains the same properties. Some properties are required, some are optional. The current application of DHIS2 resides only on server side, appeares outdated and slightly cluttered. Some features are lacking and some are poorly implemented.

  • Edit button loads separate page
  • There are several pages, with x elements on each page
  • Filtering does not work in real time
  • Saving must be done manually
  • Users of the application claim it is too complicated to use

A system to make it easier to bulk edit data elements is necessary.

The task of this project is to create a brand new application, based on the same design as the existing. This will be implemented in HTML, CSS and Javascript, by utilizing the DHIS2 web API.

Architecture and technologies

  • HTML, CSS and Javascript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap for design
  • JSON? (This is perhaps implicit?)
  • Ajax (as a part of Jquery?)
  • DHIS2 Web API

Group members

  • Andreas Gansen
  • Ola Græsli
  • Chris Risvik


Required features

  • No page reloading, everything happens on one single page
  • Press element for dropdown edit with requred fields
  • Button for "more settings" in dropdown menu
  • Real time filtering
  • Design is based on the existing DHIS2 application "Data Elements"
  • Display about 50 elements by default.

Ideas and issues

  • Real time filtering may be slow when accessing a high number of elements
  • Filtering may not work if all elements are not loaded, thus filtering may have to load more content?
  • Should popups be used for "more settings" menu? Are popups old school?
  • Should there be a save button or auto-save?
  • Scrolling to load more content?
  • Maybe use auto-complete in the filtering, as jQuery has support for this. May be distracting if too many elements? Limit to 3?


Schedule and progress

  • Create bitbucket repository, 27. oct  Chris
  • Write basic wiki, 27. oct Chris
  • Create template for web page and push to git,  27. oct Ola
  • Implement static html, ETA n/a
  • Implement edit functionality
  • Implement edit more settings
  • Implement filtering
  • Implement a function to load more content.


  • Milestone 1: 1st November: Document features and architecture on Wiki
  • Milestone 2: 15th November: First bare-bone versjon - static HTML and Uploadable as DHIS web app
  • Milestone 3: 30th November: Finished, if applicable also with mobile app
  • Final delivery: ?
  • Presentation: ?

Repository has been added with read access
