
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 15:06, 5 November 2015 by Magnuesp@uio.no (talk | contribs) (Technologies and Frameworks: Typo)

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Project info

Managing Organization Units

Team members

Lorena Arcega - lorenaa@ifi.uio.no

Jamie Font - jaimeif@ifi.uio.no

Magnus Espeland - magnuesp@mail.uio.no


Milestone 1: 8th November

Document features and architecture on Wiki

Show understanding of DHIS2 web apps

Milestone 2: 22th November

First bare-bone version - static HTML

Uploadable as DHIS2 web app

Milestone 3: 4th December


Final delivery: 11th December

Presentation: mid December

Technologies and Frameworks

  • Bootstrap
  • HTML 5 & CSS 3
  • Angular JS
  • DHIS2 Web app
  • Google Maps JavaScript AP or LeafletJS