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Revision as of 15:13, 5 November 2015 by (talk | contribs) (Group members)

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Project details

Android coordinate picker

Group members


Magnus Åsrud -
Olav Wegner Eide -
Øyvind Julsrud -


We will primarily use the Android SDK bundle for Android Studios to create the Android coordinate picker app.

We will also make use of the Google maps API to visualize the coordinates given to us by DHIS 2 Event Capture and DHIS 2 Tracker Capture

Summary of Requirements

The project is to implement the functionality of a point-and-click coordinate selector using the Google maps API in the DHIS 2 Android SDK

and integrate the coordinate selector into the two existing Android apps: DHIS 2 Event Capture and DHIS 2 Tracker Capture.

Main features is then:

  • A way to choose between the current device coordinates or selecting coordinates from a map.
  • If the map option is chosen, open a map and let the user point on a location, obtain the coordinates and send them back to the form.
  • Support normal user operations in the map such as zoom, move on drag, refine the already chosen position.

Secondary features would be:

  • Easy integration with current and new Android apps that uses the DHIS 2 SDK.
  • Continue use of the already used Google maps API.

Work schedule

Milestone 1: 8th November

  • Document the wiki page.

Milestone 2: 22th November

  • First bare-bone version.
  • Up-loadable as DHIS2 web app.

Milestone 3: 4th December

  • Finished, both apps are running.

Final milestone: 11th December

  • Final delivery.
  • Presentation.

Group organization

Screenshots, implementation of features

Learning outcome and future thoughts

Downloads (private repo)
later the app