React to Dhis

From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 16:02, 27 October 2016 by (talk | contribs)

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Group Members

  • Amrit chhetri
  • Erlend Westbye
  • Kristoffer Osen


must do:

1)Able to Search all the health facilities that are present in the district using the search bar provided at the top.

2)provide the necessary information related to that health facilities like :listing all the health care they provide in their center

3)display the Health Facilty  in the map along with the Close by facilities.

can do:

1)ability to edit the information about the faciliyies

2)ability to add new information


Development Discipline

Our development will follow a light weight version of agile development method, which will eliminate the heavy documentation part. We will set up a goal weekly as a sprint and make sure there a workable prototype is always available. Our task division is very modular. With the help of git, each teammate can work in parallel independently without worrying too much about others progress.

Task Division

Requirement design: Lexu, Kripeshwari

Live searching: Lexu

Map integration with units: Kripeshwari

Check and edit unit: Nirujah

Test and polishing: all

Application Flow

Application flow:

1)First page will be the main User Interface with search bar and default maps.

2)once user search the facilities ,it will list all the facilities related to that keyword.

3)click one of the facility to see the details.

3)there will be button/tab option for showing the facilities in the map.on clicking that button it will show the facility in the map.

4)on hovering the facility  tracker,it should show some basic information about the facilities.


File:Reacttodhis 5750architecthure.png

Learning Outcome

Discussion and Future Work

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