
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 10:05, 28 October 2016 by (talk | contribs)

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 Group members

  • Fredrik Lund Henriksen
  • Rune Jensen
  • Asif khan

Link to the repository: (Private)


We have devided the project into a couple of main tasks:

  • Create a basic app with a working map
  • A search bar which is able to retrieve info from the DHIS2 api
  • A side bar for viewing and filtering search results
  • Able to draw and view organisation units on the map
  • Able to edit and delete organisation units

Summary of requirements

Health Facility Registry

App providing an interface to the health facilities in a country (e.g. the Sierra Leone or Trainingland demo databases). The add should make it possible to search and list organisation units and see these in a map, along with relevant details regarding each facility such as type, the district it belongs to etc.

Some inspiration can be found in the Kenya Master Health Facility List

Place names with coordinates for the whole world can be found using MapZen



  • Search for an origanisation unit by name and ID
  • Have advanced options such as searching for a specific level or within a radius of a marker


  • All organisation units should be drawn on the map
  • A user should be able to click on a organisation unit and view its info

Side bar

  • A list which gets filled with the results from a search
  • Here it should be possible to see information of a organisation unit, edit the info, delete it or filter the results

General options

  • A user should be able to edit general options like auto-zoom on search, color of the organisation units of the map and such


Technologies used
  • Angular 2
  • Typescript
  • LESS/CSS, HTML, jQuery
  • Leaflet and OpenStreetMap
  • Node
  • Webpack

Time schedule

We haven't decided a specific time schedule, but everyone tries to work whenever they can.

How we are dividing tasks within the group

During the initial development, everyone works together.

After the main parts are complete, we plan to devide the remaining tasks within the group.

Screenshots and screen flows

The main target is to keep the website simple and neat as possible.

That is why we intend to show a large map as a main panel and a menu sidebar on the left side. There will be a search bar over the map with advanced search option.

We thought of having a drop-down menu on the left panel and it will also be dynamic, ie if we click over an area (district) on the map, there will be shown hospitals and clinics and other related things only from that area in the menu.

A simple design is illustrated below.


Documented learning during project

Suggested improvements to the API