
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 17:21, 29 November 2016 by Akosp@uio.no (talk | contribs) (Suggested improvements to APIs etc)

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List of group members

  • Morten K. Dybo
  • Tobias Messenbrink
  • Ákos Pap


E Health Facility Registry

App providing an interface to the health facilities in a country (e.g. the Sierra Leone or Trainingland demo databases). The add should make it possible to search and list organisation units and see these in a map, along with relevant details regarding each facility such as type, the district it belongs to etc.

Some inspiration can be found in the Kenya Master Health Facility List

Place names with coordinates for the whole world can be found using MapZen

Summary of requirements

Architecture/ components:

  • React
  • Google Maps or LeafletJS
  • Material UI

React (main) components:

  • App
  • Search/ Filter box
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Info box/ List box
  • Map
  • Page header

Use cases:

  • User enters facility name in search box. System zooms map to area level, displays marker on map and info box with facility data.
  • User enters area name in search box. System zooms to area, displays lower level items as markers/ polygons and info box with area information and list of underlying items (facilities or sub-areas).
  • User enters search string that does not match anything in database. System displays info box that no result was found. (Edge case: User searches for an actual facility but it does not match the chosen filter settings. System should inform about that.)
  • User can navigate upwards in the hierarchy using the breadcrumbs. Info box shows related data on the current level.
  • User taps/clicks on the map, and the next level of organisational units within the “tapped” area is shown to the user.
  • User clicks “hamburger” menu in search box. System displays box with search filter options.
  • Search results (filtered) show up on the map as markers, and also in the Info box (name, …?)
  • User can click a button to find nearest facility (to user location), based on current filters.
  • User can switch to edit mode (clicks “add unit” in menu), then when clicking on the map the Info box changes to editor mode so that User can add a new facility.
  • User can click “Edit” in the Info box to edit the currently selected Facility. Info box turns into and editor mode.

Time schedule

Due Date Task
October 28 Update project Wiki
October 28 - November 27 Development
November 4 Working prototype of main app components
November 27 App final delivery
December 7-9 Group presentation

Dividing tasks within the group and organizing work

Name Responsibility
Morten K. Dybo React developer (Listbox, Infobox)
Tobias Messenbrink React developer (Map, Header, Footer), Design/ HTML,CSS
Ákos Pap React developer (Main app, Filtering)

In the beginning, each member works on their own branch. Conflicts are discussed and resolved at weekly meetings.

Later, we switch to issue-based branches and create pull-requests which are reviewed and merged into the master branch.

Screenshots and screen flows

Mockups of the app: https://github.com/tobiasgm/inf5750-uncharted/tree/master/wireframes (private)

Documented learning during project

The project uses the "Issues" and "Wiki" functionality on Github for detailed documentation during development. Please refer to those pages in the project repo to view the current state of the project as well as reasoning for some choices we made.

What we have learned so far:

  • Working together on a non trivial project: We all knew about pull requests, branches and issue managers, but none of us has used them in real. In this project, using a trial-and-error approach, we learned how to organize work around issue-specific branches and corresponding pull requests. There is still room for improvement, but probably this is the most important take-away from this project.
  • React: React was completely unknown for most of us. During the project we learned some best practices, got to know some libraries (e.g. Material-UI, Leaflet) and noticed some quirks of React, which we had to find a workaround for.

Suggested improvements to APIs etc

  • Documentation (or usability thereof): Getting started was a lot more difficult than I'd have expected. Since Postman is free and widely used and recommended, maybe it would be worth creating one or more collections, showing the usage of the API (it could even test it!).
  • Speed? Maybe it is the nature of such huge APIs, or it stems from the high degree of genericity of the DHIS2 system, but most queries, even if they are returning only a handful of results, take a significant time to load. Looking at the Timeline in the Chrome Developer tools, we see that most of this time is spent waiting for the response from the server.
  • This wiki: Increase the auto-logout timeout, as most of the edits I did I couldn't save, because clicking save in the dialog just waited, and then didn't do anything. After a full page reload, and redoing the changes (luckily I had them copied), it worked.

Link to repository

https://github.com/tobiasgm/inf5750-uncharted (private)

Download link to sample web app