React to Dhis

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React to DHIS is a Health Facility Registry Application for the Sierra Leone database DHIS2.

Group Members

  • Amrit chhetri(
  • Erlend Westbye(
  • Kristoffer Osen(


Task E

App providing an interface to the health facilities in a country (e.g. the Sierra Leone or Trainingland demo databases). The add should make it possible to search and list organisation units and see these in a map, along with relevant details regarding each facility such as type, the district it belongs to etc.

Some inspiration can be found in the Kenya Master Health Facility List

Place names with coordinates for the whole world can be found using MapZen

Make a web app in order to manage organization unit easily. 

The user should be able to:

  • Search for an org. unit and get facility details, using live search 
  • Filter the search results, e.g. based orgunit groups or by selecting a polygon from a higher level (district or chiefdom)
  • Present the information pertaining to the chosen facility in a drop-down menu beneath its name 
  • Locate on map
  • Edit coordinates
  • Edit org. unit details. This can be extended by linking to a particular dataset called Infrastructural Indicators, which can be found under System Settings.
  • Add a new facility by clicking on the map


1) User can search all the health facilities with live search functionality.

2) User can see necessary information related to a health facilities in the search result.

3) User can find the Health Facilty on the map.

4) User can use the map to navigate the different districts and chiefdoms and find the facilities in these areas.

5) User can add a new facility

6) User can edit the facilities


We will be meeting 3 days a week. Exact schedule may change .


We are doing Task E for our group project: E Health Facility Registry

We want to build a rich user interface to make it easier to get a visual overview of the different health facilities that are available in a country, area or region.

Through this we want too build a system that is easy to expand and maintain.

Our goal is to have a well functioning, and well documented solution, that can help expand upon the functionality of the DHIS2 system.

Through this process we hope to learn the react library, and use it’s power in a effective and clean way.

We also hope to learn more about the dhis api, and find the benefits/drawbacks of a cloud hosted version of the system.

Role Division

Everyone will be developing, designing and testing this solution together, but we have assigned some key areas that each of us are responsible for.

Architecture, documentation: Erlend

Lead programmer, use cases: Kristoffer

Code quality, DHIS2 setup: Amrit


Live Search

The application implements a live search which lets the user search the different units in the Sierra Leone database in real time.

The live search can be filtered on the different levels of units, districts, chiefdoms and facilities.

The search results contains a list of units which when clicked shows relevant info about the unit and it's location on the map. If the unit is a district or a chiefdom, the areas borders will appear on the map and it the unit is a facility a marker will appear.

Edit a unit

Each unit in the search result can be edited. When a unit in the result list is clicked, an edit button appears which will display a window allowing the user to change relevant fields for the unit.


The map contains an array of navigational functionality:

When the application is loaded all facilities to which DHIS2 has the coordinates will appear as small, blue markers on the map. These are clickable and will show some information about the facility.

The user have to option show different border overlays on the map. You can show either districts or chiefdoms. When the districts are displayed, the user can click any district and the map will zoom in and show all the chiefdoms in the district. These chiefdoms will also appear in the results list. An individual chiefdom can be selected from the list, and the map will show only this. The overlays of the chiefdoms can also be clicked and will show a list of the facilities in that chiefdom. This is also the case when you choose to display all the chiefdom overlays.

Add a facility

Adding a facility to the DHIS2 Sierra Leone database is done by clicking the map at the location of the new facility. This will open a window which contains fields so the user can add relevant information about the facility. Finally, the user can click the submit button and the facility will be stored to DHIS2.

Application Flow

Application flow:

1)First page will be the main User Interface with search bar and default maps.the default map will display all the available organizational units in the map with the markers representing it.


2)once user search the facilities ,it will list all the facilities related to that keyword.


3)click one of the facility to see the details.

3)there will be button/tab option for showing the facilities in the map.on clicking that button it will show the facility in the map.

4)on hovering the facility  tracker,it should show some basic information about the facilities.


File:Reacttodhis 5750architecthure.png

Read more about flux here:

Learning Outcome

Discussion and Future Work

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