From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 14:38, 30 October 2017 by (talk | contribs)

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Group members

Aanund Nordskog (

Nicole Keppler (

Saliha Sajid (

Henrik Halvorsen Hortemo (

Product description - Master Facility List

MFL is a DHIS2 application for searching, browsing and proposing changes to organisation units, as requested by the Master Facility List assignment.

User stories

  • As a user I want to find specific organization units
    • As a user I want to search for organization units by name
    • As a user I want to filter my search results by unit group membership
    • As a user I want to filter my search results by ancestor relationships
    • As a user I want to filter my search results by which data sets are assigned to the organization units
  • As a user I want to see detailed information on a particular organization unit
    • As a user I want to see all attributes of a particular organization unit
    • As a user I want to see the GIS coordinates of a particular organization unit
    • As a user I want to see which organization unit groups a particular organization belongs to
    • As a user I want to see what data sets are assigned to a particular facility
    • As a user I want to see data element and/or indicator values for the particular organisation unit for the current/last year
  • As an administrator I want to select what data elements and/or indicators to display
  • As a user I want to propose changes to organization units
    • As a user I want to propose changes to organization unit attributes
    • As an administrator I want to review submitted proposals
    • As an administrator I want to mark proposals as resolved/invalid



Division of labour

Link to project repository