
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 15:36, 25 October 2017 by (talk | contribs)

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Group Members

  • Odd Gunnar Fatland (oddgfa)
  • Marius Bråthen (mariusvb)
  • Eivind Furuberg (eivinfu)

Project description requirements


Assignment Description

This assignment involves making a Web App for searching, browsing and proposing changes to organisation units and related resources such as organisation units groups. DHIS2 has, as part of the Maintenance app, an interface for managing organisation units. However, this is tailored towards editing rather than browsing, and is also only available to system administrator. The app should therefore focus on a user friendly searching and browsing experience rather than editing, and support for editing is an optional feature that should only be available to users with the appropriate user authorities.

All attributes of of the organization units should be displayed, as well as:

  • GIS coordinates (on a map) when available.
  • Membership in organization unit groups.
  • Data sets assigned to a particular facility.

It should also be possible to configure the app to show data element and/ or indicator values for the particular organisation unit for the current/ last year, such as population estimates, staff count etc. This would require a "configuration" page where an administrator can select what data to display.

The interface should support searching/ filtering. As a minimum it should be possible to search by name, however, advanced searches would be advantageous, for example searching/browsing based on organisation unit groups, the organisation unit hierarchy, data sets and a combination of these (for example listing "health centres" (organisation unit group) providing "deliveries" (organisation unit group) in "Region A" (organisation unit)). Note: organisation unit groups and group sets are different in each DHIS2 implementation.

While editing of organization unit information is not a requirement , there should be support for any user of the app to propose changes/ edits to the information being displayed. There will also have to be a related interface for administrators (i.e. users with the authority to edit organization units) to quickly review the submitted proposals and marking them as resolved/invalid as appropriate. This list should be filtered to show only proposals relevant for the particular administrator (i.e. an administrator for District A should only see proposals for related to organization units in District A, not those in District B).


For this project we will use the following frameworks and external libraries:



Division of labour


Link to project repository