
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 18:42, 2 November 2017 by (talk | contribs) (Licensing)

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Team members

  • Mathias Stang (mjstang)
  • Patryk Kucmann (patrykk)
  • Guro Møller Ødegård (guromod)
  • Pavel Shramau (pavelsh)

Product descriptions requirements

Stock Level Visualisations

The app should let the user choose one or more organisations, as well as the indicators/data elements. This should display the estimated months of stock left for the selected elements, possibly also the estimated time until stocks reach minimum limit, and a visualisation of the time-trend of stock availability. The administrators should be able to change default limits.


We chose React as our main framework, as it's a widely used, well documented framework. We may use the Visualizer chart plug-in if using charts will be necessary, and if the plugin gives us the necessary features.

TODO: Describe the technical architecture of the product, including what frameworks you will be using (e.g. react, angular, others) and /why/ you have chosen these.


  • November, 1st - wiki page, understanding of DHIS2 API needed for the application, frameworks and tools to be used are defined.
  • November, 7th - general look and design of the application, functional and non-functional requirements specified, start of implementation.
  • November, 26th - end of implementation, start of testing and debugging.
  • December, 1st - project done, start of presentation preparation.
  • December, 4th - presentation made.

Group meetings, problems discussions and temporary result evaluations every Tuesday and Friday.


In our project we are using React as the only JS-framework to develop the application. React was using BSD+patents licence before, but from version 16 it is licensed under permissive MIT licence. This grants us the permission to use React in any way with only one condition, which is to include the copyright notice. Since we are interested in developing a fully open source application with source code published as it is on GitHub and the only framework we are using is React, Stockalyzr will be released by MIT licence too.

DHIS2 is using BSD licence, but we are using only Open API's from DHIS2, so it does not come under consideration.

Division of labour

TODO: Describe how tasks are divided within the group.


GitHub repository