
From mn/ifi/inf5750
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As an effect of providing data samples of higher quality. It is wishful to develop and deploy an application that 
that is able to log events with relation to location information. Such an application would be used to geographically tag information  - making it easier to visualize information in context.

Application of such a system could be:
- to visualize how outbreaks occur
- to better allocate resources to specific areas based on requirements. 


Ying Li
Henrik Nårstad
Marcel Eggum
Henrik Vest Simonsen

Summary of requirements

(Who is the application intended for?)
- A user should be able to register single event entries with information about the context and location.
- These entries need not be related to other, existing entitites from the DHIS2 system. But act as single objects in the system. 

- All entries should be presented on a dynamic map. With the ability to filter entries by categories. 

- Location information about an entry should be based on GPS based latitude and longditude coordrinates. 

- It is wishful to bind multimedia elements to an entry. As an example, it would be preferable to attach one or more images to a single entry point. 

- The application should be available as an DHIS2 Web-Application and an Android based mobile Application

Task Management

Our project tasks and user-stories are created and maintained in Github.   

The list is publicly available, and can be viewed @ Geo-Location Github

Time Schedule

Milestone 1 - Week 1-2 :

Wiki is created. Team members have successfully set up DHIS2.
HTML, CSS and JS workshops are completed

Milestone 2 - Week 2-3: 

Application requirements and user stories are written down. 
Low fidelity prototypes are drawn. 

Milestone 3 - Week 3-4: 

Front-end for web-application is constructed - with temporary - hardcoded values. 
Baseline for the application backend is complete.

Milestone 4 - Week 4-6: 

Backend is in a state where it represents a fully functional version of the application with a set of 
requirements that represent a minimum to pass the course. 

Milestone 5 - Week 6-7: 

Backend and Frontend is extended to include additional functionality - like input validation, address translation, image upload. etc. At the same time - an Android port should be implemented and tested. 

Prototypes, Design

GEO1-1.png GEO1-2.png GEO1-6.png GEO1-5.png GEO1-4.png GEO1-3.png


We choose to utilise Github as our application repository. You can visit the page at the following location: