
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 12:59, 29 October 2013 by (talk | contribs)

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Project presentation and features

- Form saving some log entries about patient admission and discharge associated with geographical location.

- Single event data entries: events are not linked neither to each other nor to other objects registered is the system (for example patient object)

- The location might be either current location or selected manually ( pointed on a map?)

- Show entries on map ( maybe with filtering option: identify desease outbreak)

- Can get entry details when clicking on a needdle

- Solution available as android app and web app

- ...


- Get familiar to DHIS2 API

- Define who is using the application (front desk?, medical staff?, administration?)

- Define a more concrete workflow

- Define the overall achitecture

- Split the tasks

- How to make an android app downloadable from DHIS2


- define more tasks