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<parsererror style="display: block; white-space: pre; border: 2px solid #c77; padding: 0 1em 0 1em; margin: 1em; background-color: #fdd; color: black">

This page contains the following errors:

error on line 1 at column 2540: Opening and ending tag mismatch: wbr line 0 and li

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.


Group Project - Web API HTML-view browser

This page will describe the progress and end result of the ANNK group in INF5750 / Fall 2014 group. Due to the very nature of this wiki-page, its contents will change often. Please refer to the github repository for the latest documentation.

Group members

  • Kristofer Selbekk
  • Nasibeh Tajik
  • Nugroho Sujatmiko

Summary of requirements

  • Make a HTML based API browser
  • Need to be a web application
  • Based on the JSON representation

For more detail on the features we plan to implement, please check the following link.


We plan to use the following technologies for the project:

  • Build and scaffolding tools: Bower, Grunt, Yeoman
  • Frontend framework : Angular, Bootstrap

For more detail on the architecture please check the following link.

This project will communicate with DHIS2 Web API using DHIS2 web-app. How DHIS2 web-app works is explained in the following link.

Time schedule

  • Milestone 1 (November 1st):*This page
    • Document structure and technology choices
    • Set up basic DHIS web app (hello world)
  • Milestone 2 (Noveber 15th):*First barebone version
    • Static HTML
    • Uploadable as a DHIS2 web app
  • Milestone 3 (November 30th):*Full working version
    • Completed documentation
    • Completed WIKI page

Presentation on December 3rd, due to travelling team members.

Notes on progress

The first milestone was reached within the first day of this assignment. We now have a basic angular js application that doesn't fetch data, but does show a filterable list of endpoints and details about a single one as well.

Task distribution

We are using Trello as a project planning tool. Please check out our board at Trello.

Screenshots and application flow

You can look at the basic application flow in this document. Screenshots will be updated once we finished the design and wireframes.

Documented learning