Fabulous four

From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 11:56, 6 November 2014 by Jorgenjr@uio.no (talk | contribs)

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List of group members

  • Sindre kvålsgard (sindrekv)
  • Jørgen Jacobsen Rognerud (jorgenjr)
  • Andreas Færøvig Olsen (andrefol)
  • Torgeir Ous (torgeiou)

Summary of requirements

Project: Touch-based messaging app

Will use CSS, Bootstrap, AJAX, Javascript, Angular, HTML5, Maven, Git.

Time schedule

First deadline: (7/11)

  • Document architecture, features/functions and UI mockup to the wiki.

Second deadline: (15/11)

  • First bare-bone version - static HTML.
  • Uploadable as DHIS web app.

Milestone 1 (1st November)

  • Document features and architecture on Wiki
  • Show understanding of DHIS2 web apps

Milestone 2 (15th November)

  • First bare-bone version - static HTML
  • Uploadable as DHIS2 web app

Milestone 3 (30th November)

  • Finished, if applicable also with mobile app.

Final delivery: 8th December
Presentation 9th December

How you are dividing tasks within the group

First deadline:


  • Update wiki.
  • Design a UI mockup.


  • Design flow charts.



Everyone must understand the features and functionality of the project.

Second deadline:





Screenshots and screen flows

Documented learning during project

Suggested improvements to APIs etc

Link to repository


Download link to sample web app or Android app