
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 14:34, 5 November 2015 by (talk | contribs)

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Team members

  • Kristin Brænden (kribrae)
  • Simon Oliver Ommundsen (simonoo)
  • Ole Kristian Rosvold (olekros)

Improving usability in Tracker Capture app

The task is to modify the current Tracker Capture app to enable view of previous data when entering new.

To approach this, we will add a new column in the data entry table where users input new data points. We will also allow for the possibility to chose which entry they want to look at when registering new data. If we have any extra time, we will look at smaller adjustments in the interface that can improve the general usability of the application.



- Add functionality to see previous info

Architecture and technology

As this is an existing app, we will build on the existing technology stack currently used in the Tracker App.

This includes working towards the DHIS2 API, and creating the necessary models and controllers in order to let users view previous data entries.

  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
    • Angular
    • Ajax
    • JSON
  • CSS3
    • Bootstrap


// TODO:


// TODO: