
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 00:11, 9 November 2015 by (talk | contribs) (GUI)

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Project details

Managing Organization Units[1]

Make a web app in order to manage organization unit easily.

The user should be able to:

  • Search for an org. unit and get facility details, using live search
  • Filter your search based on levels
  • Present the information pertaining to the chosen facility in a drop-down menu beneath its name
  • Locate on map
  • Edit coordinates
  • Edit org. unit details
  • Add a new facility by clicking on the map


Inf5750 Origa Initial Concept Design.jpg

We plan on putting a sidebar on the left with 2(3) tabs, which the rest of the screen being taken up by the map.

The Search Tab contains a filter drop down menu to select which level you want to search in and a search bar with the results underneath.

The Add Tab (shown on the right hand side) contains all the fields one can enter into an org unit, and is the same interface that comes up if you press edit on a search result (as the only difference between adding and editing is that editing will have data in some of the input fields already). On the bottom we will put two buttons, cancel and save, which closes the editing window and discards all changes or saves the changes to the DB (by uploading them to DHIS2).

The Stats Tab is where we will put the statistics if we find enough time to do the extra work for that.

Group members

Erlend Statle -

Kang Up Lim -

Faraz German -



  • Bootstrap
  • HTML 5 & CSS 3
  • Angular JS
  • DHIS2 Web app
  • Google Maps JavaScript API
