To be or not to be

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Revision as of 11:54, 27 October 2016 by (talk | contribs) (Task assignment)

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Group Members

  • Eirik Isene
  • Simen Samuelsen
  • Bjørn Moholt


B Data Store manager app

Browse and update the values in the DHIS2 Data Store. User friendly presentation and navigation, possibly a way to keep an audit trail of changes and display/visualize statistics regarding the data, e.g. broken down by DHIS2 webapp.


For this project we are using:

  • Node.js
  • React
  • Redux
  • Immutable.js
  • Webpack
  • Travis CI
  • Babel
  • ESLint


Time schedule

Wiki page - 28.10.16

Deadline for completing the Wikipedia page for our project.

Finish setting up framework - 02.11.16

Complete the bundle of frameworks and have them all working nicely together.

Finish setting up API - 11.11.16

By this time we would like to have all communication with dhis finished.

Finish creating components - 18.11.16

By this time we would like to have all components we wish to use ready.

Have a working application - 25.11.16

By this time we want a fully functional application, time from here and to the deadline will be used to weed out minor bugs and issues and evaluate what can be implemented further for a better user experience.

Final delivery - 27.11.16

Deadline for completing the project.

Task assignment

What we wish to accomplish with our application is the possiblity for a user to browse, insert, and edit the dhis2 datastore through an intuitive user interface. We wish to provide the user with a clean overview of the datastores contents and a safe way for the user to create and update content with little to no prior experience. Our desire is that the application can be used on any format ranging from small smart-phones up to big desktop computers with a familiar design across all platforms. We also want to give the user an experience of a quick and snappy way to do all this through smart caching of data. When our application is completed it will be a responsive, progressive web application with the following features:

Viewing the datastore

Inserting data into the datastore

Updating data in the datastore

Remove data from the datastore

Screenshots and flows

What have we learned

Future improvements


Repository link
