From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 14:56, 27 October 2016 by (talk | contribs)

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Group Members

  • Jonas Henie (jonasbhe)
  • Kristoffer Mjelva (kristomj)
  • Øyvind Egede-Nissen (oyvinege)

Repository and app download

Github repository. (private)

Application download link.

Project overview

Project description:

Refactor/Expand Comparative/Trend Analysis App with charts and maps

The purpose of the Comparative/Trend app is to enable visual comparisons of charts and maps by placing them side-by-side or in a grid. For maps, the purpose is to show the same basic map for different time periods, so that changes over time become visible. An example could be a map showing measles incidence by district, week by week. For charts, the purpose is to show the same chart from multiple organisation units. An example could be a line chart showing the trend in a disease over time, district by district. The maps and charts could either be based on either existing chart or map favourites, or made ad-hoc based on selecting an indicator.

To complete this task, we have decided to first analyze the base app that was provided to us. Based on this analysis we decided to completely re-implement the app using React, ES6, and other modern web programming tools. We aim to create a new app based on the functionality of the existing one. This new app will have a UI design more in line with the existing DHIS design language.

Our goals:

  • Improve the design
  • Improve the user experience
  • Improve the code readability
  • Improve performance
  • Add a map comparison feature

Summary of requirements

  • React
  • ES6
  • Charts, maps, tables


Project milestones:

  • October 28 - [ongoing]:
    • Document features and architecture
    • Show understanding of project task
  • November 27 - [pending]:
    • Delivery

App development milestones:

  • Create git-repository - [complete]
  • Create wiki page - [complete]
  • Analyze base application - [complete]
  • Create basic API fetching functions - [complete]
  • Setup dev version of app using npm - [complete]
  • Implement barebones react UI - [complete]
  • Build the UI elements - [pending]
  • Create API fetching functions for selected data - [pending]
  • Calculate pulled data - [pending]
  • Implement table and charts functionality - [pending]
  • Implement maps functionality - [pending]
  • Manage app design and user experience - [pending]
  • Build production version to function with 'App Management' on the DHIS site - [pending]

Time Schedule

No fixed time schedules apart

Task distribution

Task distribution is done as soon as new requirements appear.

Progression screenshots and screenflow

Documented learning

API improvement suggestions