From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 12:33, 28 October 2016 by Hennhaa@uio.no (talk | contribs) (Task division)

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Group members

  • Kjetil Svalestuen
  • John Eric Birger Melin
  • Henning Håkonsen


 E Health Facility Registry

App providing an interface to the health facilities in a country (e.g. the Sierra Leone or Trainingland demo databases). The app should make it possible to search and list organisation units and see these in a map, along with relevant details regarding each facility such as type, the district it belongs to etc.


Main architecture will be the use of React for a responsive gui. Redux will provide a simple interface for working with the app state. Also its 2016 so get with the times already.

How do we communicate with DHIS2?

  • ES6
  • ESlint -> Provides static analysis of patterns or code that doesn't follow userset guidelines.
  • Flow -> JS typechecker.
  • JSON
  • Node
  • Atom -> Handy IDE


  • Google Maps
  • DHIS Api

Summary of requirements

Search for a facility

  • User will enter the name of the facility in the search bar. The facility/facilities that matches the string are listed below the search bar.
    • If no facility is found the message "no matches found" is presented below the search bar.
  • For the listed facilities a "details" button is available to slide open a details list below the entry.
  • If a listed facility is clicked, the map will locate and zoom in on this facility and show all information on this facility.
    • If the users click on edit for the facility he can edit the following items.
      • Type of service
      • Location
      • Name

Filter search

  • The user also has the option to filter searches. By clicking some filter button a list of filtering options is listed below.
  • The filter options are.
    • Type of service
    • Location
  • The same functionality as normal search is available in filter search.

Map functionality

  • The user can zoom in and out of the map.
  • By clicking on an area:fylke,by eller hva de nå bruker the map will zoom in on this particular area.

Add new facility

  • By clicking and placing a marker on the map the user can add a facility. How to do this? Greyed out edit button thats gets available when placing marker? Or pupup menu when placing marker?
  • When adding a new facility the user will be need to fill out the following fields.
    • Name
    • Location
    • Service
    • Should do error handling when adding the fields.

Time Schedule

15. October 2016

Start of project, Git repository created.


Chosen architecture React + Redux. Type checking with Flow. Eslint for pattern checking.


Milestone: Documenting the features and architecture on the Wiki


Milestone: Final delivery

07.12.2016 - 09.12.2016

Milsetone: Group presentation

Task division


  • General architecture
  • DHIS API calls and communication with the data store
  • Adding Facilities


  • Map component using Google Maps API
  • Navigation and search result visualization in the map


  • Detailed facility information panel
  • Editing and removing facilities

Screenshots and screen flows


Suggested improvements to APIs etc

Documented learning during project

Link to repository


Repository is private.

Download link to sample web app