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Health Facility Registry

App providing an interface to the health facilities in a country (e.g. the Sierra Leone or Trainingland demo databases). The app should make it possible to search and list organisation units and see these in a map, along with relevant details regarding each facility such as type, the district it belongs to etc.

Group members

  • Hanna Rognerud
  • Sara Haugse
  • Nicolas Lopez


  • React with Redux
  • HTML 5
  • CSS


  • Google Maps

Summary of requirements

The user should be able to:

  • Search for an org. unit and get facility details, using live search
  • Filter your search based on levels
  • Present the information pertaining to the chosen facility in a drop-down menu beneath its name
  • Locate on map
  • Edit coordinates
  • Edit org. unit details
  • Add a new facility by clicking on the map


Milestone 1: October 28

  • Document features and architecture on Wiki
  • Show understanding of your project task

Time schedule

Day Time
Monday 15.15 - 17.00
Tuesday 10.15 - 12.15
Wednesday 10.15 - 12.15
Thursday 10.15 - 12.00

Requirements done:

27/10: View map.

4/11: Search for an org. unit and get facility details, using live search.

8/11: Locate on map and set markers.

Dividing tasks within the group

We want to develop our project together as a group by having frequent meetings during this period. Some of our meetings will be in the group sessions. After each meeting we will decide what to prepare for the next meeting.

Screenshots and screen flows

Documented learning during project

Suggested improvements to APIs etc

Link to repository (Private)

Download link to sample webapp