
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 15:46, 26 October 2017 by (talk | contribs) (Week 44)

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Group members

  • Haakon Konrad
  • Bård Johnsen
  • Silje Dahl
  • Matthias Wenger

Project Assignment Description

We have chosen the assignment: "Master Facility List".

Overview: An user friendly app for searching, browsing and propose changes to organisation units and related resource as organisation units groups.

Key features to be implemented:

  • For each organisation units display:
    • All attributes
    • GIS cordinates
    • Membership in organisation unit groups
    • Data sets assigned to a particular facility
  • Optional editing features only available for users with appropriate system authorities
  • Configuration Page that for a particular organisation unit will display: (for example: population estimates, staff count )
    • Data element
      • for: this year / last year
    • Indicator values
      • for: this year / last year
  • Searching an Filtering
    • by name
    • Organisation unit groups
    • Organisation unit hierarchy
    • Data sets and a combination of these
  • Support for any user of the app to propose changes
  • Interface for administrators to review and filter submitted proposed changes, and marking them as resolved/invalid as appropriate

Architecture and frameworks

We have chosen to work on React as it seems to be light-weight, easy to get started with and has a large developer community.


Week 43

  • Finalize project description
  • Set up repository
  • Decide on frameworks

Week 44

Setup frameworks test API

Week 45

Show relevant data from API

Week 46

Fix major bugs

Finalize app

Week 47

Final bugfix

Prepare presentation

Division of labor

Everybody does everything

Github repository

LittRomForFeil on Github