From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 03:20, 30 October 2017 by (talk | contribs) (Milestones)

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Group members

  • Bartosz Gembala (bartoszg)
  • Erik Aaron Hansen (erihanse)
  • Erik Snartland (eriksna)

Project description requirements


A description of the product you are developing, including features/requirements being implemented and mockups/screenshots. Also specify which assignment you have chosen.


Describe the technical architecture of the product, including what frameworks you will be using (e.g. react, angular, others) and /why/ you have chosen these.


November 1.

  • Create wiki
  • Chose assignment
  • Overview of the product to be developed, including features
  • Proposed architecture of the app (including key frameworks to be used)
  • Broad timeline for development (in form of milestones)
  • Link to project repository

November 8.

  • DHIS2 data management

November 15.

  • Interface

November 22.

  • Features finalized

November 29.

  • Bugfixes and documentation


Discuss the implications (if any) on the product you are development from the software licenses of the frameworks and libraries you are using.

Division of labour

Bartek: Documentation

Erik A: Documentation

Erik S: Documentation

Link to project repository
