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About CloseSource

This is the Wiki for CloseSource, one of the groups enrolled in INF5750 - Open Source Development 2017. Information about our group project will be added here throughout the semester.

Group members

The group consists of the following members:

  • Edvarda W. Eriksen (ererikse)
  • Duy Johnny K. Nguyen (djnguyen)
  • Milad Sharif (milads)

Product descriptions requirements

We have chosen the task

More coming soon.



We intend to use React because it is the second most used JavaScript frameworks. Furthermore one of the group members had experience with React from before, and the rest of the group wanted to learn React. As it has a fast learning curve and a very active community, getting help will also be straightforward.

We also saw in the lecture that for smaller projects React supposedly is more efficient than for instance Angular 2. In addition React has reuseable components, so if anyone at DHIS2 want to re-use our code for other illnesses or statistics, this can easily be done with React. This way we can also hope to help extend DHIS2 as a platform, by building reusable, sustainable code in a true Open Source fashion.


More coming soon.


Coming soon.

Division of labour

We all want to have a fullstack understanding of the application, so we will divide the working power where it needs be. Even so we have defined the most essential parts of development and divided responsibility for these. In practice this means that for the following tasks, each group member is responsible that their part of the application is up to speed with the rest of the application during development. In this way we ensure that all group members are familiar with the other parts of the application, so we never end up in a situation where one member is unavailable and the development stops. We also ensure that someone is keeping track of the different parts of the application and can communicate if that particular part starts lagging behind.

Group memeber Task
Milad Sharif Data retrieval and manipulation between DHIS2 and application
Duy Johnny Khac Nguyen Graph/Chart development
Edvarda Eriksen UX design and overall application interface

Link to project repository

CloseSource: HIV Cascade Analysis