
From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 11:30, 27 November 2017 by (talk | contribs) (Frameworks)

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Group Members

  • Andreas Holskil
  • Marthe Øvergård
  • Andreas Kristiansen

Product descriptions requirements



We want to create an app for displaying the HIV cascade analysis with graphs, where the user can specify the data to be displayed. There will be three main ways to display these graphs:

  • As percentages, where the first bar in the cascade is 100%, and the subsequent bars as expressed as percentages of the previous. See example 1 below.
  • As raw numbers, but showing both the actual number and the gap (i.e. difference between target and actual).
  • As raw data and percentages (on different axis), i.e. bars with the raw data and a line with the percentage.


The app will include a functionality to control the settings of the graphs / how the data is displayed. This includes features like:

  • Setting the threshold
  • Setting different thresholds for the different stages (90, 80, 90 f.ex)
  • Changing the meaning of each graph axis

We also want to implement functionality to select the data set. Including selection points like age, sex, regions, time window, and other filters.




Division of labour

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