Spring minions DHIS2 Discussion forum web app

From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 14:56, 7 November 2013 by Johanand@uio.no (talk | contribs) (Front page view with subject, last updated date, last author)

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Group members

  • Thomas Iversen
  • Trine Frimannslund
  • Halvdan Grelland
  • Johannes Akse


Forum view

Front page view with subject, last updated date, last author

  • baseurl
  • display type icon
  • display post - slide down/new page
  • Fetch name
  • Style(css)

Comment hierarchy

  • display comment within comment
  • show comments
  • Style(css)

Like / dislike

User rating

Posts per user

Avatar for users



RSS / Atom




Analysis item (chart, map, pivot)

Item data elements + indicators + data set

Hononyms / synoyms

How you are dividing tasks within the group

Thomas and Halvdan is doing the Back end (Hibernate search/Lucene) Trine and Johannes is doing the Front end(Forum view)

Screenshots and screen flows

Documented learning during project

Suggested improvements to APIs etc

Time scedule/Mile stones

  • 01. nov: Finish wiki-page and make link to repository
  • 15. nov: First prototype of features
  • 30. nov: Finished prototype
  • 08. dec: Deliver prototype
