Team: Social Social Network Integration

From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 13:04, 15 November 2013 by (talk | contribs)

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1. Group members
  • Shahzad :[]
  • Niclas :[]
  • Nedim :[]

2. Use Case
1. User uses this application to get a combination of Facebook and DHIS profile.

3. Features
   Each DHIS user will have a

  • Display Picture From Facebook
  • Name, Email, Nationality (basic info) From DHIS
  • Mutual Friends
  • User will have a Customized "News Feed" where (s)he can like/comment shared contents.[Not Decided Yet]

4. Screenshots

   1. This is the original DHIS profile. We want to keep much of the original graphics, but integrate Facebook profile         picture and common friends. [1]

  2. This is the original DHIS “news feed”, we will integrate this to our on app, together with the profiles.

5. Technology

  •   HTML, CSS, JS

6. Group Tasks
  By 7/11: </br> Shazhad - Make the barebone Html UI </br> Niclas - Try to connect javascript functions with DHIS api.</br> Neidm - Look into facebook api.</br>

By 15/11: </br> Shazhad - Connect facebookusers to dhisusers. Get profilepicture, friends (mutual friends) from user id.</br> Niclas - Make it possible to login to DHIS and get user information, and get a list of all users.</br> Neidm - Make it possible to login to DHIS and get user information, and get a list of all users.</br>

7. Log
9/11:</br> Finished a barebone html UI.</br> Runnable app installed in DHIS.</br>

12/11:</br> Finished a method to get DHIS user information.</br>

13/11:</br> Finished static methods to get profile picture and friends from facebook.</br>