Team: Social Social Network Integration

From mn/ifi/inf5750
Revision as of 18:10, 26 November 2013 by (talk | contribs)

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1. Group members
  • Shahzad :[]
  • Niclas :[]
  • Nedim :[]

2. Use Case
1. User uses this application to get a combination of Facebook and DHIS profile.

3. Features
   Each DHIS user will have a

  • Display Picture From Facebook
  • Name, Email, Nationality (basic info) From DHIS
  • Mutual Friends
  • User will have a Customized "News Feed" where (s)he can like/comment shared contents.[Not Decided Yet]

4. Screenshots

  1. This is the original DHIS profile. We want to keep much of the original graphics, but integrate Facebook profile picture and common friends.
Original profile view.JPG

  2. This is our loginscreen.
Loginpage for app.JPG

  3. This is our main profile view page where facebook is integrated into DHIS.

  4. This is the original DHIS “news feed”, we will integrate this to our on app, together with the profiles.

5. Technology

  •   HTML, CSS, JS

6. Group Tasks

By 7/11:
Shazhad - Make the barebone Html UI
Niclas - Try to connect javascript functions with DHIS api.
Nedim - Look into facebook api.

By 15/11:
Shazhad - Connect facebookusers to dhisusers. Get profilepicture, friends (mutual friends) from user id.
Niclas - Make it possible to login to DHIS and get user information, and get a list of all users.
Nedim - Make it possible to login to DHIS and get user information, and get a list of all users.

By 26/11:
Shazhad - Continue working on mutual friends
Niclas - Finish the "all users" design and functionallity, and fix all bugs
Nedim - Continue on getting the mutualfriends view to work.

7. Online Repository
Link to our LaunchPad repository:

8. Log
Finished a barebone html UI.
Runnable app installed in DHIS.

Finished a method to get DHIS user information.

Finished static methods to get profile picture and friends from facebook.


Dynamic AccessTokens for facebook are now mainted, but with some user access errors. Mutual Firends List is implemented.

Uploadable as DHIS2 web app zipped.

25/11: We have made some changes to the login system( we actually doesn't need it) and rejected the idea of using Facebook token. We just have to impliment the script in the .html file instead of .js file.

We also have fixed a lot of bugs in the system, and changed the design of getting all users and viewing their information. In addition inserted some more facebook information to each user.

9. Milestones

Milestone 1 (1st November)

Document features and architecture on Wiki
Show understanding of DHIS2 web apps

Milestone 2 (15th November)

First bare-bone version - static HTML
Uploadable as DHIS2 web app

Milestone 3 (30th November)

Finished, if applicable also with mobile app.

Final delivery: 8th December, Presentation 9th December