Getting started

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User acess

Go to > User Login (Passwords) > 1. Request a user account > HPC

Fill in the form and choose the appropriate project. It is recommended to use your UiO username.

The project manager can give you access to the VASP license through the VASP portal and thereafter informing to give your user the necessary group affiliations (xvasp and vasp5).

Project Manager Group Resources
NN4604K Jonathan M. Polfus Electrochemistry Saga
NN9136K Lasse Vines LENS Saga
NN9180K Clas Persson Structure Physics Saga



Login with ssh using a terminal app on UNIX, macOS or Windows Subsystem for Linux

ssh <username>

Hostnames and usernames can be defined by creating or editing the file ~/.ssh/config .

This can be done using vim

vim ~/.ssh/config

Press i to insert text

Host saga
   HostName =
   user <username>

Press escape to exit insert mode, and then :wq to 'write' and 'quit'.

Login is then simplified

ssh saga

Copy files from cluster to current folder

scp saga:<path>/<filename> .

Copy files to the home directory on the cluster scp <filename> saga: