Yield of Tc in Liquid-Liquid Extraction

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In this exercise you will learn how you can use a radionuclide to measure a feature of a element. In addition how radionuclides can be used as a tracer to study a chemical reaction.

The exercise will show how Tc can be extracted from a aquatic phase by using liquid-liquid extraction. It will illustrate how easy it is to follow a radioactive element during a reaction. Therefore tracers are used in a lot of different tests in several branches of industry and academics.

To a 15mL test tube add 2.5 mL 0.1 M HNO3 / 0.05 M KbrO3 solution. Then add 0.5 mL of 99mTc solution. Then add 3.0 mL 0.05 M trioctylamin dissolved in toluene. Shake the solution vigorously fro one minute. Transfer 2 mL of each phase to a glass vial. Be precise so that you don't mix the phases in the vial. It is often better to transfer 2mL of the upper phase, then remove the rest of it. Then transfer 2 mL of the bottom phase.

The amount 99mTc in the two phases is decided by quantitative analysis of the γ spectrum. Measure the spectrums and write down the following:
Counts in organic phase, Norg (“Net Area”): …..........................
Counting time for organic phase, torg(“Live Time”):....................sec
Counting speed for organic phase Rorg(Norg/torg):....................cps

Counts in water phase, Naq (“Net Area”):.........................
Counting time for water phase, taq (“Live time”):..................sec
Counting speed for water phase Raq(Naq/taq):....................cps
Distribution, D=Rorg/Raq:...................
Extraction yield, E=Rorg/(Rorg+Raq)[math]\cdot[/math]100............... %