KJM-FYS 5920 Lab Exercise 2 - Student Report

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KJM-FYS 5920 Lab Exercise 2 report (Autumn 2010):

Setting up a HPGe gamma-spectroscopy system

Participating students (authors): Tomas Kvalheim Eriksen, Alexander Mauring, Therese Renstrøm, Inger Eli Ruud, Pejman Mansouri Samani, Martin Ytre-Eide, Sindre Øvergaard.

Teachers: Prof. Jon Petter Omtvedt and Hilde-Therese Nyhus (lab assistant) 

University of Oslo 1st October 2010


(Written by: Jon Petter Omtvedt)

Detector and Preamplifier Signals

(Written by: Pejman)

Spectroscopy Amplifier Setup & Signals

(Written by: Martin)

ADC and MCA Setup

(Written by: Thomas)


([File:Oscilloscopy_01Oct2010-1-.jpg]) Bilde av 2 energitopper til Co-60

The electical signal from the Ge-detector has now propagated through many components that has both shaped and enhanced the pulse. The energy of intest is of course that deposited by the gamma in the detector. The detector has linear response, so the gaussian-like pulse produced in the main amplifier will have an amplitude proportional with the gamma-energy. Since the detector has a linear response, we have that: <math>E_{\gamma} = a \times ch + b<math>

(Written by: Therese and Inger Eli )

Detector Performance

(Written by: Alexander and Sindre)


(Written by: )

Teachers Remarks