CINCH Radiochemistry Course

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Theoretical part of the course
(total 60 hours of self-study)
Topic 1: Fundamentals of nuclear chemistry 1 (12 h)
• Structure and properties of atomic nuclei.
• Classification of radionuclides.
• Kinetics of radioactive decay. Radioactive equilibria.
• Binuclear reactions. Yield of nuclear reactions.
Topic 2: Fundamentals of nuclear chemistry 2 (12 h)
• Natural radioactivity. Radioactive decay chains.
• Nuclear fission, fission products.
• Hot atoms chemistry. Szilard-Chalmers system.
• Radiation chemistry.
• Actinides and transactinides.
Topic 3: Radiation detection and dosimetry, radiation protection (12 h)
• Interaction of IR with matter (alpha, gamma, beta, neutrons).
• Detection of ionizing radiation (detector types, principles).
• Dosimetry of ionizing radiation. Radiation protection.
Topic 4: Separation methods in radiochemistry (12 h)
• Differences from classical separation methods and their reasons.
• Extraction methods (L-L, principles, instrumentation).
• Chromatography (principles, instrumentation).
• Enrichment and separation of selected isotopes.
Topic 5: Radioanalytical methods (12 h)
• Indicator methods. Isotope dilution analysis.
• Radio-reagent methods. Interaction methods.
• Determination of selected radionuclides.