Solutions 7

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This solution set contains a large number of errors, and is under revision. It will be updated as soon as possible.

For these exercises it might be usfull to have wallet cards they can for instance be found at Nudat 2


  1. [math]\frac{m}{M_{m}}\cdot N_{a}\cdot \% = N [/math]
    Where m is mass, Mm is molar mass, Na is avogadros constant, % is the percentage N is the number of atoms λ disintigration constant.
  2. Since the half-life of potassium is so low we can assume that the amount lost due to decay is negligible. The amount of potassium is constant
    [math]G=\frac{D\cdot t\cdot E}{m}[/math]
    where G is dose in J/kg, D is the Disintegration rate, t is the time and E is the energy deposited by the radiation.


  1. [math]D\cdot\lambda=N[/math]
    [math]\frac{N}{N_{a}}\cdot M_{m}=m[/math]
  2. First calculate the effective half-life in the body [math]T_{eff}=\frac{T_{Bi}\cdot T_{phy}}{T_{Bi}+T_{phy}}[/math]