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Bioinformatics for Molecular Biology

This is the wiki for the courses MBV-INF4410, MBV-INF9410, and MBV-INF9410A offered by the Department of Molecular Biosciences and Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo (UiO).

The course will be offered in weeks 47 and 48 autumn 2012. More details will be published soon.  

This two week, intensive course will introduce students to bioinformatics resources and tools for molecular biology research. Some of the best researchers in Norway will talk about their fields in general as well as their own work. Students must bring their own lap-top for in-course demonstrations as well as for practical lab exercises. The course is mainly intended for biology students, but also for computer science students or students from other fields of science with an interest for and some experience with molecular biology. No prior background in bioinformatics or computer science is required.

The webpages for 2011 is found here.

The cource will in 2012 have a similar format, but with some few changes.

  • New course responsible is Dr. Jon K. Lærdahl ( from Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (CMBN) and Department of Medical Microbiology, Oslo University Hospital (OUH) - Rikshospitalet. Lærdahl is also employed by the Bioinformatics Core Facility at OUH and UiO.
  • There will be some lectures focusing on the UNIX shell, scripting and the Python programming language.
  • Examination (home exam) and written assignment will be in a similar format as previous years. 


Week 1: Monday, November 19 - Friday, November 23 
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
09:00 - 10:45 11:00 - 12:45 14:00 - 16:00
Monday 19th


Biological databases on the web

Accessing data 

Basic UNIX tutorial with practicals

Simple examples of scripting

Jon K. Lærdahl Jon K. Lærdahl Jon K. Lærdahl
Tuesday 20th

Basic Python programming

Python workshop Python workshop
Karin Lagesen Karin Lagesen Karin Lagesen
Wednesday 21st
Thursday 22nd
Friday 23rd