VM use

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Revision as of 11:14, 18 September 2013 by Katerim@uio.no (talk | contribs) (Connecting to virtual machines using a remote desktop)

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VM number

Each course participant will work on a virtual machine (VM) that has been taylored for the course purpose.

The virtual machines are named from hts01.uio.no to hts32.uio.no. Each student was assigned a virtual machine number at the course. This number is used instead of "XX" in the machine address below.

UiO username can be used to log into the VMs. External course participants use a guest account.

Connecting to virtual machines using a remote desktop

During the course, the preferred way to connect to the VM is via a remote desktop. This allows full use of various graphical programs on the VM.

| Read more about Remote Desktop

Login to machines at Cobol

There is a mix of Linux, Windows and Mac computers in Cobol. Use your uio username to log into Windows and Macs. Linux machines require use of a guest username (their use is limited only to IFI students and employees).

Using temote desktop on Linux

Open a terminal and type "xfreerdp -k no htsXX.uio.no" (replace the "XX" with your VM number).

You will get prompted for username and password. Fill them in and press OK.


Using remote desktop on Windows

Press the start button and select "Remote Desktop Connection" application.

Type in the VM name and press "Connect".


The next screen is the same as the remote login screen in the Linux section above.

Using remote desktop on a Mac

Press Applications icon in the task bar. Find "CoRD" application and fill in the VM name in the dialog box. Proceed the same as in the Linux section.

Using virtual machines via ssh

If there is no need for a graphical interface, you can use a ssh connection to the VM. The advantage is that is requires less resources and configuration on the VM side.

VM login and password

Use your UiO credentials to log into the VM. If you do not have UiO login name, use the guest account that you have been given at the course.

Log in


Open 'PuTTy'. Fill 'htsxx.uio.no' in the host name dialog box. Click "Open".



Use 'Terminal'. Type:

ssh htsxx.uio.no


Open a terminal. Type:

ssh htsxx.uio.no