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Wiki pages for Courses in Computational Life Science (CLS)/Bioinformatics at UiO

The aim of this wiki is to give an overview and description of courses in computational life science/bioinformatics at the University of Oslo (UiO). We will also give links to relevant courses at the PhD level at other Norwegian universities.

The wiki is maintained by the Computational Life Science initiative (CLSi) in close collaboration with relevant university departments, including Departments of Biosciences and Informatics.

Presently, the following courses are available at UiO:

Courses at other universities in Norway

This list is not comprehensive - if there are courses lacking, please let us know!

University of Bergen

UiB offers several courses in bioinformatics, both for computational scientists and molecular biologists.

Department of Informatics

Methods in Bioinformatics I

Metods in Bioinformatics II

Selected Topics in Bioinformatics

Department of Molecular Biology

Applied Bioinformatics

Applied Bioinformatics II