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The Flash plugin works on Firefox, Chrome and Safari, and is still downloadable from Adobe

OpenZoom viewer zooming

  • Apple mouse
    • Click and drag to pan the image
    • Click to zoom in, hold shift and click – to zoom out
    • Pseudo wheel does not work
  • Apple touchpad
    • Click and drag to pan the image
    • Click to zoom in, hold shift and click – to zoom out
    • two-fingers scroll does not work
  • PC mouse 
    • Click and drag to pan the image
    • Use wheel to zoom in and out
  • Any keyboard: use keyboard key "i" to zoom in, “o" to zoom out
    • "w", "s", "a", "d" keys pan an image
    • "h" key resets an image (same as "View All" button)
  • Copy URL (only available for single images)
    • Use “copy URL” to copy location and zoom level in viewer, use ctrl-v (paste) to retrieve URL, store or share link to point colleagues to the same view 

Try it here:

HTML/Javascript – OPEN SEADRAGON viewer

OpenSeadragon viewer zooming

  • Apple mouse
    • Click and drag to pan the image
    • Use pseudo wheel to zoom in and zoom out
    • Click to zoom in and hold shift and click to zoom out
  • Apple touchpad
    • Click and drag to pan the image
    • Two-fingers scroll allows zoom in and zoom out
    • Click to zoom in and hold shift and click to zoom out
  • PC mouse 
    • Click and drag to pan the image
    • Use wheel to zoom in and out
  • Keyboard keys
    • "+" to zoom in, "-" to zoom out
    • "w", "s", "a", "d" keys pan an image
    • "0" (zero) key resets an image
  • iPad, iPhone and (possibly) other mobile devices
    • Drag to pan the image
    • Double tap to zoom in
    • Pinch to zoom out, spread to zoom in

Try it here: