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[ Presentasjon på Slideshare.]
[ Presentasjon på Slideshare.]
=== Andy DiPaolo, "Online Education in Support of Career Development: Needs, Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education" ===
Executive Director, Stanford Center for Professional Development, Senior Associate Dean, School of Engineering Stanford University, USA
Have people trapped in cars for 2 hours each way - how can we give them online learning resources via cell phones while their in their cars?
- language training
- technical briefings
- leader training
- "When I was a kid, I went to  school. Today, school comes to us", Andy DiPaolo
Took advantage of an opportunity!
- Online education is succesful!! It's in the mainstream and its growing
- Many providers, both huge and small. Online universities
- learners select online learning by quality and other factors
What do the lifelong learners want and expect? (they're you and me!)
- busy yet anxious to learn
- access anytime anywhere
- want choice!!!
- start classes when I want to. The learning needs vs the standard courses (why do I have to wait until fall to learn this)
- Engage me or rage me ;-)
- active challenging scenarios
- want to multitask while learning (which really isn't such a good idea, is it?) No, it really isn't. But you can't force people not to multitask, they have to see it for themselves
- Individualized tasks, the just-for-me education. Is this really realistic?
- just for me-education (isn't this easier to do if the learner herself chooses and searches for what she wants? Network where she can say "I need to learn this, who can teach me?" and a mentor can say "I'm available for teaching you this over the next weeks". Illlich....)
- from 2.0 to 3.0. Is 3.o an established word/abbreviation/whatever? Ask Elise:-) It's not. This is a whole discussion, but the short answer is it's just another word for the next big thing. Bit it contains semantic technologies and automatic parsing of content.
I agree, their are a lot of different definitions, and none eagreed upon. Every person trying to predict the future, uses the term 3.0 to describe what they mean. Web 2.0 was O'Reily's idea to revitalize online business after the .com bubble burst. The term took a life of its own. Web 3.0 still has no agreed limits. Cool :-) What is 4.0? The Matrix? No, just A matrix, The matrix is something else:-) Yeah, it's when we all  plug in :) I want that!
- IBM and SUN now build their  training programmes in virtual world
- they want to collaborate (talk with people like me, with some of the same concerns, same challenges, basic psychological need)
- don't care where the content come from. They want the  universities to  put together the best content, from whatever source. Want universities to be integrater, collect the content and give the learners certificates.
- want to preview courses, they are informed consumers
- development of digital career portfolios
- be treated as student as consumer, less delay, is it easy to register?
- competitive and variable pricing
- timely detailed feedback
- delivery to mobile devices
- educational renewal during the lifelong career
What is said about the educational sector today: fertile market, massive scale-lots of money-poorly run-existing management is sleepy after monopoly for years

Revisjonen fra 11. jun. 2010 kl. 10:49

Well, we're in Spain now, and Valencia is a charming city.

Key Note Speakers

Martin Bean: According to Mr. Bean, an 11yo child told him that going to school is like going on a plane: You sit down, remain quiet for hours, put your trust in someone in front, whom you really don't know. And you have to turn off all your electronic devices....

George Siemens:

Courses are the currency of formal education. They provide our chief way of structuring education, but is structure really a prerequisite for quality in higher education?

Courses need to be rendered in real time to the context of the individual: Dissolve course model, provide what is needed by me, now, in the channel I prefer. Examples:

  • Connectivism (intends to disrupt the concept of course by forums, wiki, google alerts, SL, blogs etc, all held together by RSS and a course tag).
  • Edufutures
  • Critical Literacies Online

Session A 1:

2. Gunnar presented here, and also 3 other speakers. doc with answers and questions from the presentation

1. Online Learner Presence Peter Shea, University at Albany, United States of America

Recommends: Community of Inquiry Framework (Garrison et. al.).

Current shifts in college enrollments

- more online - learning outcomes are getting better for the online learners - why? Online learners spend more time on learning, and that increases the effect size

- need a new theory for online learning - Community of inquiry framework. Teaching presence and social presence adds up to cognitive presence

Still missing the learner..What do effective learners do with their time in the online space?
Learning presence - students contribute to their own learning.
Self-reflection, self-monitoring, self-regulation

Done a survey with online learners, N=2200.

Learner presence is added to the model with the concept of self-efficacy which leads to more effort and increased cognitive presence. Students in blended learning feel more confident, the presence of the teachers increase their confidence. How can this confidence transfer to online learning?

Want to further develop the framework with the learner presence.

3. Online Informal Science Education – From "Math-by-Mail" to "Ask the Expert" Shulamit Kotzer, Yossi Elran, Weizman Institute of Science, Israel

E-learning advantages with immediate feedback, more interaction and richer interaction and increases learner convenience.

Some drawbacks are up-front costs,

Try to make the learner more active through science articles, demos, forums, games and online science clubs.

Davidson online. Online book with different activities Ask the expert

Activities should be short in duration (they get bored

4. Can 'e-Learning Instructors' Stimulate 'Active Instruction'? David Pundak, Orit Herscovitz, Miri Shacham, ORT Braude College of Engineering, Israel

Active instructors blurr the roles of teachers and students, and also makes the students more creative. They construct knowledge. In active classes all students are active, and the small groups of students form supportive environments.

What's so special about the active instructors?

Small difference between face-face instructors and elearning instructors, but huge difference to active instructors. They keep doing the f-t-f instruction when going online.

Improvement in f-t-f instruction will improve elearning instruction.

Tension between traditional teaching the whole curriculum and teaching for understanding as active instructors, where you focus on learners understanding instead of getting through the learning goals for the subject.

Session B4: The Open University UK: Institutional Develipment and Policy

The Use of Media in Distance Higher Education: The Experience of the British Open University (Tpny Walton)

There are close connections between

  • media strategy
  • institutional OU strategiy
  • teaching and learning strategy
  • international strategy

Teaching, learning and capacity to deliver at scale are all influenced by media, here understood as:

  • Traditional radio and TV broadcasting
  • Internet technology
  • Mobile platforms

Review of Broadcast and Media strategy 3 years agosettled on these objectives:

  • Enhance delivery
  • Enhance networking
  • Maximise reach and widen participation

The BBC collaboration traditionally produced material specifically tailored for particular courses. OU now wants to escape the linear delivery and produces smaller units easy to combine in many ways. This leads to huge number of views and also to new students (se

OpenLearn is the OUs digital platform for publishing open educational resources (more than 6000 resources, 400 000 visitors a month and 15% returning visitors).

The Open University Learning Design Initiative (OULDI): New Approaches to Supporting the Design of learning (Grainne Conole)

Utrolig spennende!

  • Se nettstedet deres for oversikt over verktøy, resutater etc.
  • Se CloudWorks, et åpent, open source sosialt nettverk for undervisere, undervisningsplanlegging, deling og samarbeid -- svaret på vår Candy Store Challenge :)
  • Damen har sin egen blogg.

Susanne har en brosjyre.

Dette er så spennende at vi bør dra og snakke med dem, gjerne sammen med FUP.

Session B6: Posters


Mye av dette handlet om diverse m-learning. Mobiltelefoner er nå såpass standardiserte at alle kan laste ned læringsobjekter og bruke lms'en via telefonen. Så teknologien er mer moden nå enn sist gang jeg var på en stor konferanse.

Men likevel sier presentørene: Hvorfor skal vi gjøre det? Alle har jo PC'er og her er grensesnittet mye bedre. Dessuten viser det seg at veldig få studenter bruker m-learning aktivt (22%), mens alle bruker PC'en (100%).


Det mest spennende på denne seansen var Byggwiki. Her benytter to forskere fra Høgskolen i S&F en wiki i yrkesopplæring(!). Elevene skal beskrive byggfaglige artikler (hammer,vater m.m.) i artikler i wikien. De skal ikke skrive mer enn 2-3 setninger, så man kobler seg på sms-tradisjonen, som de kjenner fra før. De skal også ta bilder og legge ut illustrasjoner, samt lenke til eksterne ressurser.

Studentene mestret det når de fikk hjelp. Suksesskriteriet var posting-kommentarer fra medelever-ny redigering-kommentar fra lærer. Likner veldig på prosesskriving a la UiO, feks utvit1000

Dette fungerte fint så lenge forskere fra høgskolen styrte prosessen, men ikke så bra når lærerne skulle gjøre det alene. De så ikke helt relevansen.

Jeg mener de burde utvidet praksisen, til å også inkludere mål innen norsk og engelsk.

Dette var moro :-)

Plenumssesjon, dag 2

ICT for Education in Europe and the new 2020 Strategy (Brian Holmes)

Presentasjon på Slideshare.

Andy DiPaolo, "Online Education in Support of Career Development: Needs, Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education"

Executive Director, Stanford Center for Professional Development, Senior Associate Dean, School of Engineering Stanford University, USA

Have people trapped in cars for 2 hours each way - how can we give them online learning resources via cell phones while their in their cars? - language training - technical briefings - leader training - "When I was a kid, I went to school. Today, school comes to us", Andy DiPaolo Took advantage of an opportunity!

- Online education is succesful!! It's in the mainstream and its growing - Many providers, both huge and small. Online universities - learners select online learning by quality and other factors

What do the lifelong learners want and expect? (they're you and me!) - busy yet anxious to learn - access anytime anywhere - want choice!!! - start classes when I want to. The learning needs vs the standard courses (why do I have to wait until fall to learn this) - Engage me or rage me ;-)

- active challenging scenarios - want to multitask while learning (which really isn't such a good idea, is it?) No, it really isn't. But you can't force people not to multitask, they have to see it for themselves - Individualized tasks, the just-for-me education. Is this really realistic? - just for me-education (isn't this easier to do if the learner herself chooses and searches for what she wants? Network where she can say "I need to learn this, who can teach me?" and a mentor can say "I'm available for teaching you this over the next weeks". Illlich....)

- from 2.0 to 3.0. Is 3.o an established word/abbreviation/whatever? Ask Elise:-) It's not. This is a whole discussion, but the short answer is it's just another word for the next big thing. Bit it contains semantic technologies and automatic parsing of content. I agree, their are a lot of different definitions, and none eagreed upon. Every person trying to predict the future, uses the term 3.0 to describe what they mean. Web 2.0 was O'Reily's idea to revitalize online business after the .com bubble burst. The term took a life of its own. Web 3.0 still has no agreed limits. Cool :-) What is 4.0? The Matrix? No, just A matrix, The matrix is something else:-) Yeah, it's when we all plug in :) I want that!

- IBM and SUN now build their training programmes in virtual world - they want to collaborate (talk with people like me, with some of the same concerns, same challenges, basic psychological need) - don't care where the content come from. They want the universities to put together the best content, from whatever source. Want universities to be integrater, collect the content and give the learners certificates. - want to preview courses, they are informed consumers

- development of digital career portfolios - be treated as student as consumer, less delay, is it easy to register? - competitive and variable pricing - timely detailed feedback - delivery to mobile devices - educational renewal during the lifelong career

What is said about the educational sector today: fertile market, massive scale-lots of money-poorly run-existing management is sleepy after monopoly for years