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Well, we're in Spain now, and Valencia is a charming city.

Key Note Speakers

Martin Bean: According to Mr. Bean, and 11yo child told him that going to school is like going on a plane: You sit down, remain quiet for hours, put your trust in someone in front, whom you really don't know. And you have to turn off all your electronic devices....

Session A 1:

2. Gunnar presented here, and also 3 other speakers. doc with answers and questions from the presentation

1. Online Learner Presence Peter Shea, University at Albany, United States of America

Current shifts in college enrollments

- more online - learning outcomes are getting better for the online learners - why? Online learners spend more time on learning, and that increases the effect size

- need a new theory for online learning - Community of inquiry framework. Teaching presence and social presence adds up to cognitive presence

Still missing the learner..What do effective learners do with their time in the online space?
Learning presence - students contribute to their own learning.
Self-reflection, self-monitoring, self-regulation

Done a survey with online learners, N=2200.

Learner presence is added to the model with the concept of self-efficacy which leads to more effort and increased cognitive presence. Students in blended learning feel more confident, the presence of the teachers increase their confidence. How can this confidence transfer to online learning?

Want to further develop the framework with the learner presence.

3. Online Informal Science Education – From "Math-by-Mail" to "Ask the Expert" Shulamit Kotzer, Yossi Elran, Weizman Institute of Science, Israel

E-learning advantages with immediate feedback, more interaction and richer interaction and increases learner convenience.

Some drawbacks are up-front costs,

Try to make the learner more active through science articles, demos, forums, games and online science clubs.

Davidson online. Online book with different activities Ask the expert

Activities should be short in duration (they get bored

4. Can 'e-Learning Instructors' Stimulate 'Active Instruction'? David Pundak, Orit Herscovitz, Miri Shacham, ORT Braude College of Engineering, Israel

Active instructors blurr the roles of teachers and students, and also makes the students more creative. They construct knowledge. In active classes all students are active, and the small groups of students form supportive environments.

What's so special about the active instructors?

Small difference between face-face instructors and elearning instructors, but huge difference to active instructors. They keep doing the f-t-f instruction when going online.