Forskjell mellom versjoner av «Frank Brunner»

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Linje 8: Linje 8:
2016: Erindring, Galleri Haaken, Oslo, Norway
2016: Erindring, Galleri Haaken, Oslo, Norway
2014: Catharsis, Zidoun-Bossuyt Gallery, Luxembourg
2014: Catharsis, Zidoun-Bossuyt Gallery, Luxembourg
         Spring, Kunstverket Galleri, Oslo, Norway
         Spring, Kunstverket Galleri, Oslo, Norway
2013: Catharsis, Galleri Haaken, Oslo, Norway
2013: Catharsis, Galleri Haaken, Oslo, Norway
2012: Mirror Matter, Retrospective, Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum, Tønsberg, Norway
2012: Mirror Matter, Retrospective, Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum, Tønsberg, Norway
         Mirror  Matter, Retrospective, BOMULDSFABRIKEN KUNSTHALL ,Arendal
         Mirror  Matter, Retrospective, BOMULDSFABRIKEN KUNSTHALL ,Arendal
         New Works, Galleri Bi-Z, Kristiansand, Norway
         New Works, Galleri Bi-Z, Kristiansand, Norway
2011: Paintings, Bertrand Delacroix Gallery, New York
2011: Paintings, Bertrand Delacroix Gallery, New York
2010: Works on Mylar, Kathleen Cullen Gallery, NY
2010: Works on Mylar, Kathleen Cullen Gallery, NY
2009: Abaton Part 2, Galleri Haaken, Oslo
2009: Abaton Part 2, Galleri Haaken, Oslo
         Abaton Part 1, Galerie Zidoun, Paris
         Abaton Part 1, Galerie Zidoun, Paris
         Vinterreise, Galleri Bi-Z, Kristiansand, Norway
         Vinterreise, Galleri Bi-Z, Kristiansand, Norway
2007: Nye malerier, Galleri Haaken, Oslo
2007: Nye malerier, Galleri Haaken, Oslo
2005: 45º Part 2, Galleri Haaken, Oslo
2005: 45º Part 2, Galleri Haaken, Oslo
         45º Part 1, Cynthia Broan Gallery, New York
         45º Part 1, Cynthia Broan Gallery, New York
2003: And this also, has been one of the dark places of the earth, Galleri Haaken, Oslo
2003: And this also, has been one of the dark places of the earth, Galleri Haaken, Oslo
2001: Display, Galleri Haaken, Oslo
2001: Display, Galleri Haaken, Oslo
2000: New Haven, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo 
2000: New Haven, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo 
Linje 34: Linje 45:
         Bertrand Delacroix Gallery, New York
         Bertrand Delacroix Gallery, New York
         Bærum Kunstforening, , Dobbel utstilling med Eva Faye
         Bærum Kunstforening, , Dobbel utstilling med Eva Faye
2010: Heiberg Cumming Gallery, New York
2010: Heiberg Cumming Gallery, New York
2009: The FLAG Art Foundation, New York
2009: The FLAG Art Foundation, New York
2008: Zidoun Gallery, Paris
2008: Zidoun Gallery, Paris
         Cannot Wait For the Spring to Begin, Zidoun Gallery, Luxembourg
         Cannot Wait For the Spring to Begin, Zidoun Gallery, Luxembourg
Linje 41: Linje 55:
         Realime, Haugar Kunstmuseum, Norway
         Realime, Haugar Kunstmuseum, Norway
         Lillesand Kunstforening, with Lars Elling, Norway
         Lillesand Kunstforening, with Lars Elling, Norway
2007: Galleri Jennestad, with Vibeke Slyngstad, Norway
2007: Galleri Jennestad, with Vibeke Slyngstad, Norway
         Organiske strukturer, Drammen Museum, Norway
         Organiske strukturer, Drammen Museum, Norway
2006: Galleri Ismene, Trondheim, Norway
2006: Galleri Ismene, Trondheim, Norway
2005: Oslo Kunstforening, Oslo
2005: Oslo Kunstforening, Oslo
         Off My Biscuit, Destroy Your District!, Samson Project, Boston
         Off My Biscuit, Destroy Your District!, Samson Project, Boston
         10 x 10, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand
         10 x 10, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand
2004: Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin, Ephraim Palais, Berlin
2004: Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin, Ephraim Palais, Berlin
         3 Gallerier, Høvikodden
         3 Gallerier, Høvikodden
2003: Haakens samling, Sal Haaken, Høvikodden
2003: Haakens samling, Sal Haaken, Høvikodden
         Lillesand Kunstforening, with Petter Hepsø
         Lillesand Kunstforening, with Petter Hepsø
2002: Bomuldsfabrikken Kunsthall, Arendal
2002: Bomuldsfabrikken Kunsthall, Arendal
         Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum, Tønsberg
         Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum, Tønsberg
2001: Bomuldsfabrikken Kunsthall, Arendal
2001: Bomuldsfabrikken Kunsthall, Arendal
2000: Yale University (thesis show), New Haven, CT
2000: Yale University (thesis show), New Haven, CT
1999: A and A Gallery, New Haven, CT
1999: A and A Gallery, New Haven, CT
         The Love Show, Cynthia Broan Gallery, NYC, NY;
         The Love Show, Cynthia Broan Gallery, NYC, NY;
         Norfolk, Art Center, Nordfolk, CT
         Norfolk, Art Center, Nordfolk, CT
1998: Stenersenmuseet (thesis show), Oslo
1998: Stenersenmuseet (thesis show), Oslo
         Public Art Work, Nordvold Senteret
         Public Art Work, Nordvold Senteret
1997: Høstustillingen, Oslo
1997: Høstustillingen, Oslo
1996: Sørlandsutstillingen
1996: Sørlandsutstillingen
1995: CoStOs, Galleri F15, Jeløya, Moss
1995: CoStOs, Galleri F15, Jeløya, Moss
         UKS, Oslo  
         UKS, Oslo  

Revisjonen fra 26. okt. 2016 kl. 13:15

Det mangler biografiske opplysninger om Frank Brunner. Vil du skrive?

Les mer om Frank Brunners verk Montre med 68 fugler



2016: Erindring, Galleri Haaken, Oslo, Norway

2014: Catharsis, Zidoun-Bossuyt Gallery, Luxembourg          Spring, Kunstverket Galleri, Oslo, Norway

2013: Catharsis, Galleri Haaken, Oslo, Norway

2012: Mirror Matter, Retrospective, Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum, Tønsberg, Norway          Mirror  Matter, Retrospective, BOMULDSFABRIKEN KUNSTHALL ,Arendal          New Works, Galleri Bi-Z, Kristiansand, Norway

2011: Paintings, Bertrand Delacroix Gallery, New York

2010: Works on Mylar, Kathleen Cullen Gallery, NY

2009: Abaton Part 2, Galleri Haaken, Oslo          Abaton Part 1, Galerie Zidoun, Paris          Vinterreise, Galleri Bi-Z, Kristiansand, Norway

2007: Nye malerier, Galleri Haaken, Oslo

2005: 45º Part 2, Galleri Haaken, Oslo          45º Part 1, Cynthia Broan Gallery, New York

2003: And this also, has been one of the dark places of the earth, Galleri Haaken, Oslo

2001: Display, Galleri Haaken, Oslo

2000: New Haven, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo   


2012: Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Fra Samlingen          Galleri Ismene, Dobbel utsilling med Lars Elling, Trondheim          Bertrand Delacroix Gallery, New York          Bærum Kunstforening, , Dobbel utstilling med Eva Faye

2010: Heiberg Cumming Gallery, New York

2009: The FLAG Art Foundation, New York

2008: Zidoun Gallery, Paris          Cannot Wait For the Spring to Begin, Zidoun Gallery, Luxembourg          Gallery Salomon, Hamtons, New York          Realime, Haugar Kunstmuseum, Norway          Lillesand Kunstforening, with Lars Elling, Norway

2007: Galleri Jennestad, with Vibeke Slyngstad, Norway          Organiske strukturer, Drammen Museum, Norway

2006: Galleri Ismene, Trondheim, Norway

2005: Oslo Kunstforening, Oslo          Off My Biscuit, Destroy Your District!, Samson Project, Boston          10 x 10, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand

2004: Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin, Ephraim Palais, Berlin          3 Gallerier, Høvikodden

2003: Haakens samling, Sal Haaken, Høvikodden          Lillesand Kunstforening, with Petter Hepsø

2002: Bomuldsfabrikken Kunsthall, Arendal          Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum, Tønsberg

2001: Bomuldsfabrikken Kunsthall, Arendal

2000: Yale University (thesis show), New Haven, CT

1999: A and A Gallery, New Haven, CT          The Love Show, Cynthia Broan Gallery, NYC, NY;          Norfolk, Art Center, Nordfolk, CT

1998: Stenersenmuseet (thesis show), Oslo          Public Art Work, Nordvold Senteret

1997: Høstustillingen, Oslo

1996: Sørlandsutstillingen

1995: CoStOs, Galleri F15, Jeløya, Moss          UKS, Oslo


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Frank Brunner, Montre med 68 fugler