3D printing

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Revision as of 10:33, 15 May 2023 by Adrianbe@uio.no (talk | contribs) (Added infill rule)

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These guidelines are intended to establish a common understanding of the use of our 3D printers. This is to avoid legal complications and conflicts of interest.


Don't use printers you are not proficient with

If you are unfamiliar with 3D printing or a specific 3D printer, don't use it.
Ask Sonen staff or other users how to print, level the bed and/or change material on the printers.

Using the Formlabs without instruction is strictly forbidden

The Formlabs uses hazardous chemicals and unqualified users may put themselves and others at risk.

Print jobs should not exceed 24 hours

Jobs exceeding 24 hours will be aborted.
The longer the print, the likelier it will fail.
You are not the only user of the printer. Show consideration for the other users of the 3D printer. Occupying the printer for a week is selfish.

Exceptions to this rule may be made per request.

Use only one printer at a time

Show consideration for others. Do not occupy all our printers.

Exceptions to this rule may be made per request.

Don't print with greater infill than 20%

Jobs with infill greater than 20% will be aborted
This is to reduce wasting material. For most all applications 20% is more than sturdy enough.
This rule does not apply to the Formlabs printer.

Exceptions to this rule may be made per request.

Follow the SOP

All of our printers come with an SOP. Make sure you have read, understood and follow the SOPs.

Pay attention to the first layer

The most critical part of 3D printing is the first layer. Don't leave the printer until the first layer is done.

non-profit printing only

Sonen is non-profit. 3D printing for profit and commercial purposes is prohibited.
Our printers may be used for projects and prototyping of ideas. However for commercial ventures and resale of prints consider other services.

Use the printer most suited to your purpose

Our printers serve specific purposes. Don't occupy the Prusa if you only print in one color. Don't print with the Formlabs if you could achieve the same result with an Ultimaker

Don't make repairs to the printers

Should something be wrong with the printers, notify Sonen staff. Don't pull out a screwdriver and dismantle the printer.

Have fun

The most important rule when using our printers is to have fun.