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Revision as of 16:17, 8 February 2023 by Lassetot@uio.no (talk | contribs)

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Present: Lasse, Morten, Elizabeth, Nigar


- Recording errors last week may have been due to the TIFF files being uncompressed, several recording tests using 'LZW' compression were done without FlyCap freezing so we'll try to use this in the experiment.

- We may discard the data from 03.02.23 because of the technical difficulties.

Results (rotations per 10sec):

Each row for a clip is a different cell.

10kHz 100kHz 200kHz 500kHz 1MHz 5Mhz 10MHz 20MHz 30MHz 40MHz 50MHz
0.5 1.75 1.25 1 0.5 0.125 0 -0.5 -1.25 -1.25 -1.75
0.5 2.25 1.75 0.75 0.75 0 0 0 -1 -1.5 -1.25
0.25 1.5 2 0.75 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 -1.25


- Similar spectra as the 28.10.22, see Figure 1 below.

- If the next experiment yields similar results we will regard that as proof that our setup gives reproducible results, and we'll consider moving on from the HeLa cells.

Figure 1: HeLa cell rotation spectra using data from repeated experiments in ... solution. Measured data points in units of rpm plotted as points. The solid lines are interpolations of the mean rpm values at each field frequency measured, and the dashed and dotted lines of the same color point out the peak and turning point respectively.