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Event in June(?)

·      How many are in Oslo?

·      Informal, social gathering.

·      Pitch: Each group talks 2-3 minutes about their work and results.

·      Get feedback on functioning of LLL and on the projects

·      Friday 15:00?

·       Who helps arranging?

Results from this semester


·      jellyfish structures

·      noodle structure

·      actuating with electrical impulses

·      will work during summer

·      can present something mid-August

·      the physicist left


·      setup works with yeast cells

·      meetings with Jan Gimsa

·      brainstorming with students: ideas for continuation: separate cancer cells

·      students are summing up

·      need input about available cell lines

·      no work during summer, start up at semester start

·      good combination physics/biology


·      motivated group. 1 person left

·      designing masks took a long time

·      quite independent now

·      cell adhesion in microfluidic circuit starting to work

·      many ideas for continuation

·      want to work during summer

Documentation and reporting

All groups should set a deadline to write up their work and results of this period. 

·      Access to labs during summer

·      Deadline: August

·      Instagram/YouTube story (August 23)

·      Documentation at LLL wiki (August 23)

·      Presentation (August 25 - 27)

·      Short report (August 31)

Event in August (August 25, 26 or 27)

·      Goals

o  Mark end of first round.

o  Kick-off for new students

o  milestone, an achievement.

o  ? connect with industry partners to see if we can be of use to each other

o  ? students can be visible to industry partners and other participants

o  ? PR for LLL towards students, faculty at UiO and future sponsors

·      Audience

o  LLL participants

o  other interested (at HTH and Physics department, UiO LifeScience)

o  our industry partners (ClexBio, Zimmer&Peacock, Sintef)

o  new students who may be interested in LLL

Next semester

Training in techniques, especially cell culturing. Training every start of semester. Training done by someone who is paid for that (and that we trust).

  • Who wants to continue next semester?
  • Research vs. makerspace (fun)?
    • Publishing papers should be a goal
      • Projects need to run for more than one semester.
      • All students who have participated one semester will be co-authors
    • Skilled students can try out ideas
      • Students who have participated and shown good skills van be allowed to do subprojects on their own if it does not put the other projects in danger (contamination, etc.)
  • Continuing projects and students
    • Continuing students employed to teach, supervise and look after basic functioning of LLL
    • => More independent groups, less postdoc supervision
    • Projects continue until paper submitted(?)
  • Training every start of semester:
    • Cell culturing (for all new!)
    • Mask design + photolitho
    • Training done by someone who is paid (and that we trust).
  • New projects:
    • Always an open possibility
    • Students and support can suggest
    • How do we decide?