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Revision as of 12:21, 9 March 2021 by Dagkd@uio.no (talk | contribs) (contiuous filling in)

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Continued from yesterday

This wafer was overdeveloped
  • Had left the insolated wafer on the hot plate over night. This means 15 hours rest instead of 10 min.
  • Table says 5 min develop.
  • I used new PGMEA
  • After 3 minutes I noticed white structures in the region around the main structures. I did not understand what this signified
  • After 5 min I rinsed with isopropanol (IP)
  • I struggled to get good view in the microscope. Therefore I miscalculated what I saw and thought I needed to develop more.
  • I developed about 30 s more.
  • In the microscope it was now clear that the structures where overdeveloped and all the smallest features where erased.

Time to start again

New try

  • Use new wafer and go straight for plasma cleaning
  • Skip heating and do spinning

I lost all my edits! Obviously it's important to save before leaving idle

  • SU8 to wafer using syringe worked perfectly.
  • Used a single spin: ramp 100, 900 rpm at 40s
  • Display said it only spun at 830 RPM
  • Noticeable bulge at edge of wafer. Tried to wait for an hour, but it did not change much.
  • Transferred to hot plate: 65C 15min, 95C 90 min, should be 120, but display only has 2 digits. time manually.