Cell lab SOP

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The purpose of this SOP is to describe routines for the use of cell culture lab, room 431 on the 4th floor of west wing in the Physics building


All users of the cell lab must have direct training from the room responsible person before room is used. New user must sign the completed training form.

Carrying out work in the room

  • The room must be booked in the calendar
  • ...


Weekly cleaning

Every week the lab has to be cleaned.

  • Move all loose pieces of equipment from lab benches into cupboards and drawers
  • Throw away all unmarked consumables
  • Wipe all surfaces (benches, PC, microscope, ...) with antibac
  • Clean LAF bench/hood with antibac
    • Leave only minimum equipment in hood
    • Remove the base of the bench and clean in the sink
    • Clean under the base
    • Clean the inside of the glass sides (windows)
    • Reassemble
    • Turn on the UV light
  • Clean Incubators
    • Clean one incubator at the time
    • Move all cell flasks etc to the other incubator
    • Remove all loose parts and clean all parts and surfaces with antibac
    • When needed, decontaminate the incubators (with heat or with peroxide, follow instructions in the manuals.

Vacusafe cleaning
