Unresolved issues

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Revision as of 21:19, 31 July 2022 by Krisheye@uio.no (talk | contribs)

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There are several unresolved issues present when it comes to the experiment part of the project.

The following issues are:

Keeping the cells alive inside the chip

Controlling the CO2 levels

Air bubbles

When filling chambers with liquid, the bubbles can result in the cells dying prematurely and/or inhibiting the flow.

Possible solutions to air bubbles

  • The chip design itself. By creating a design in which there are no sharp angles can reduce the chance of air bubbles adhering to the surface of the chamber.
  • Adding soft surfacant to make sure the bubbles detach from the surface.
  • Being highly aware of pressure levels when adding liquids to the chambers. Even the smallest changes in pressure can result in air bubbles.
  • Bubble Trap for Microfluidics Kit provided by Elveflow which gets rid of the air bubbles before they enter the chip.
  • Air bubbles and microfluidics: Tips and tricks to remove them