13. Future major changes (2013)!

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Updated by nik: 12 March 2013

1) Increased vertical resolution (Q2 2013). 
High resolution forecast and analysis: increase from 91 to 137 levels (top remains the same).
Technical test data is available in MARS.
After this it is not possible to convert from GRIB2 to GRIB1.
2) New terminology
Deterministic forecast --> High-resolution forecast - "HRES"
EPS --> Ensemble forecast - "ENS"
3) ECgate will change from a Unix to a Linux server (around June 2013)
Old system will run parallell for about 6 months but will be phased out by the end of 2013.
Compilers will also change to GNU compilers (gcc, gfortran).
4) Batch system on ECgate will change from LoadLeveler to SLURM.
Retrieval scripts must be changed accordingly.
Does note apply to the HPCF (c2a) so that retrieval scripts on the two systems will be different and need to be kept separate.
see http://www.schedmd.com/slurmdocs/
User commands will change:
llsubmit [script] --> sbatch [script]
llcancel[job_id] --> scancel[job_id]
llq [job_id] --> squeue[job_id]