FLEXPART Model/WindFieldPaths

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Wind Field Input Data

The FLEXPART Wind Field directory structure is as follows:

All wind fields are available (some linked) via::


Presently, the format of the directory is as follows::


Under this directory is are OPER_fields and ERA_40_fields.

A new AVAILABLE file is created daily::


Newer versions of FLEXPART (past 8.x) read the full pathname of the wind fields from the AVAILABLE file. In that case, the respective line of the FLEXPART input file "pathnames" must be left blank.

In order to run older versions of FLEXPART (pre-8.x) a link directory exists with an AVAILABLE file and short path names::

   /xnilu_wrk/flex_wrk/WIND_FIELDS/all_fields_oper_ecmwf  and 

These values must be set in the pathnames file for FLEXPART pre 8.x.