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<rst> Input routines for FLEXPART data

These matlab routines are currently available for processing FLEXPART output when you start matlab as user flexpart on You can also get a short description on their usage when typing help <function> at the matlab prompt (e.g. "help flex_header").

    • 1. flex_test**

``USAGE: flex_test``

This routine is a short demonstration program which will render a set of figures from a polarcat data set. You can `check out the code <FlexTest>`_ to see how things are done or look at the file /nilu2/home/flexpart/matlab/flexpart/flex_test.m.

    • 2. flex_header**

``USAGE: [header fail]=flex_header(path to flexpart output)``

    • IMPORTANT:** This routine is now deprecated. Use flex_header_V7 or flex_header_V8 to read in different versions of Flexpart output.

This routine reads in the header information contained in the given flexpart output directory. If not successful, will be the only component of the structure header, and fail will be 1. If successful, fail==0 and you can get all header information by typing disp(header) on the prompt.

    • 3. flex_read**

``USAGE: [data drydep wetdep fail]=flex_read(header,unit,nest,time)``

This routine reads in data fields for the specified dates.

    • IMPORTANT:** This reads in the converted and new version 7 format! If you still have version 6.x data, either `convert it to version 7 <FlexConvert>`_ , or use the (deprecated) routine read_flex_V6.

- header is the object returned from flex_header

- unit is 0, 1, 2, depending if you read in backward concentration files (prefix grid_conc, default), backward mixing ratio files (prefix grid_pptv), or forward run files (prefix grid_time)

- nest is 0 or 1, depending if you are reading in nested data

- dates is an array of indices or a single index of the field header.dates();

    • 4. flex_toc**

``USAGE: [toc_data]=flex_toc(header,data)``

This routine calculates the total column concentration for all dates available in the array data

    • 5. flex_header_sec**

``USAGE: [header,fail]=flex_header_sec(path)``

This routine will grab the header file existing in the given path, note: path does not include 'header' It returns a header with the dates in matlab format, and with the latp, lonp arrays convenient for plotting follow up with flex_read_sec (see next). NOTE: use this version for working with 'footprint_total' files

    • 6. flex_read_sec**

``USAGE: [grid, drydep, wetdep, fail] = flex_read_sec(header,unit,nspec_ret,pspec_ret,age_ret,nest,time_ret)``

    • IMPORTANT:** The same functionality is now provided much faster by the routine flex_read_V7 (see below).

EXAMPLE: running as user flexpart: (otherwise, files are in: ~flexpart/matlab/flexpart

 >>[g d w]=flex_read_sec(h,4,1,1,1,0,1);
 >>ci=[1 5 7 10 50 75 100 500 750 1000]; % set the contour intervals
 >>flex_contour(g,ci,h); % calls flex_contour.m routine to produce a plot

    • 7. flex_read_V7**

``USAGE: [grid, drydep, wetdep, fail] = flex_read_V7(header,unit,nspec_ret,pspec_ret,age_ret,nest,time_ret,convert)``

This is the currently fastest input routine for flexpart data, using FORTRAN-based input routines. Changes to the previous version is the parameter convert to read in files with/without appended species number, and the option to read in grid_time_total files with unit=5.

 % flex_read_V7.m
 % input
 %   - header object
 %   - optional: data units, (1==conc(default), 2==pptv, 3==time(bkwd) 4==footprint_total, 5==grid_time_total)
 %               species,      default=all
 %               pointspecies, default=all
 %               ageclass,     default=all
 %               nest (0/1),   default=0
 %               time,         default=all
 %               convert (0/1) default=0, does not append species number
 % output
 %   - data
 %   - dry deposition
 %   - wet deposition
 %   - fail indicator (1=fail, 0=success)

    • 8. flex_read_V8**

``USAGE: [grid, drydep, wetdep, fail] = flex_read_V8(header,unit,nspec_ret,pspec_ret,age_ret,nest,time_ret)``

This routine works in principle just as the V7 version. Some more rigorous checking may be required on individual date files.

Forthcoming routines ***

These routines still have to be implemented. So there is currently no support for reading nested FLEXPART output with matlab.

    • X. flex_nest_header**

``USAGE: [header fail]=flex_nest_header(path to flexpart output)``

This will return a header object for the nested files. To read nested data, call flex_read with the returned nested header structure.

.. _here: FlexTest
