Running WRF

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About WRF

The WRF ARW model is a fully compressible, nonhydrostatic model (with a hydrostatic option). Its vertical coordinate is a terrain-following hydrostatic pressure coordinate. The grid staggering is the Arakawa C-grid. The model uses higher-order numerics. This includes the Runge-Kutta 2nd- and 3rd-order time integration schemes, and 2nd- to 6th-order advection schemes in both horizontal and vertical directions. It uses a time-split small step for acoustic and gravity-wave modes. The dynamics conserves scalar variables.

[ARW Online Tutorial]

This work flow may need some modifications, especially after updates on Abel, but this general overview should work (given that the model has been set up for your user). See also the WRF user guide, from page 5-7 (pdf version in the bottom left corner of that web page).

Compiling input files on Abel

Compile WPS

Log on to

ssh -YC
cd WRF

In case of new updates on Abel, several overlapping modules may exist, which in turn leads to conflict. The following commands loads the correct modules.

module list
module --version
module unload <modulenames>
module load

For each logon, must be run. Alternatively, this can be done automatically in the script .bash_login . The file should look like this before sourcing it.

emacs &
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US
module load
export FC=ifort
export CC=icc
export NETCDF=/cluster/software/VERSIONS/
export PHDF5=/cluster/software/VERSIONS/hdf5-1.8.9_intel
export JASPERLIB=/cluster/software/VERSIONS/jasper-1.900.1/lib
export JASPERINC=/cluster/software/VERSIONS/jasper-1.900.1/include
export NCARG_ROOT=/cluster/software/VERSIONS/ncl-6.1.0
export WRF_CHEM=0
export WRF_KPP=0

Then, source it:

source ../

If the input data is in a different folder than @abel:~/WRF/WPS, link the gribfiles of your input to /WPS, and copy the namelist file into /WPS:

cd WPS
cp <file path to the namelist.wps> .
./link_grib.csh <file path to gribfiles>

Update the domain resolutions and dates in namelist.wps

emacs namelist.wps &

Run from the folder @abel:~/WRF

cd ..
./clean -a

Configure and compile WPS. Use compiler number 20, (linux NO_GRIB)

cd WPS
./compile >& comp.log

The output will be written to the file comp.log. You may log on to abel from a different terminal and access this file while it is compiling, using:

tail -f comp.log


To produce NC files called geo_em..., run geogrid.exe. First, a namelist.wps must be created for the correct domain and time step. WRF Domain wizard or WRFPortal may be used to visualise the wanted domain. Please note that the data ordered must cover a greater region than the wanted domain.

To look at the ordered gribfiles, (for instance to check which variables are ordered at which times and atmospheric levels), install g1print or grib_ls.

g1print.exe ../gribfiler/ma20080808.mars
grib_ls ../gribfiler/ma20080808.mars

Then run geogrid.exe.

./geogrid.exe >& geogrid.log

Check if the run was sucessful:

tail geogrid.log

and see if the geo_em.d*.nc files were produced

ls -l

To view a summary of the .nc file, type

ncdump -h


If the Vtable files are in a different folder, they must be linked to @abel/WRF/WPS:

ln -sf <file path to Vtable files>Vtable.ECSURF Vtable

If the input data is in a different folder than @abel:~/WRF/WPS, link the gribfiles of your input to /WPS using link_grib.csh:

./link_grib.csh <file path to gribfiles (.mars)>

Check that the links are produced (using ll or ls -l) and check that the namelist file refers to the following under &Ungrib: prefix=SURF

more namelist.wps

Now, run Ungrib to produce SURF files for each date.

./ungrib.exe >& ungrib.log
tail ungrib.log

Also, check that files on the form SURF:1992-01-31_00 have been made.

To produce ATM files, linked the Vtable to @abel/WRF/WPS using:

ln -sf <file path to Vtable files>Vtable.ECATM Vtable

Check that the links are produced (using ll or ls -l) and check that the namelist file refers to the following under &Ungrib: prefix=ATM

more namelist.wps

Now, run Ungrib to produce ATM files for each date.

./ungrib.exe >& ungrib.log
tail ungrib.log

Similarly, check that files on the form ATM:1992-01-31_00 have been made.

If you get the error message ERROR: Grib2 file or date problem, stopping in edition_num., try the following (and the first time you open emacs, ensure that prefix=ATM and the second time, change it to prefix=SURF):

./ungrib.exe to data 12:00-13:00 --> FILE:2007-05-12
./link_grib.csh gribfiler/fraJohanne/gribfiler/
emacs namelist.wps 
ln -sf gribfiler/fraJohanne/Vtable.ECATM Vtable
emacs namelist.wps 
ln -sf gribfiler/fraJohanne/Vtable.ECSURF Vtable

(Inspiration from the WRF forum)


First, link up the correct METGRID.TBL

ln -sf <file path to METGRID.TBL files>METGRID.TBL METGRID

To produce met_em ... .nc files, run

./metgrid.exe >& metgrid.log
tail metgrid.log

Visualise the input files on Rossby or Sverdrup

To check the input files, log on to rossby (which has NCview installed), and copy all nc files produced at Abel.

ssh -YC
scp* .
ncview met_em_d01...

In NCview, click the 3Dvar and choose any parameter.

Summary of calls to run WPS

echo /projects/metos/annefou/wrf/3.6.0/WPS/geogrid.exe >& geogrid.log
/projects/metos/annefou/wrf/3.6.0/WPS/geogrid.exe >& geogrid.log

tail geogrid.log

./link_grib.csh ~/FILESTORE/TestInvertlatTilSlutt/rawfiles1992/ma1992*15.mars 
ln -sf gribfiler/fraHelene/Vtable.ECSURF Vtable
echo /projects/metos/annefou/wrf/3.6.0/WPS/ungrib.exe >& ungrib.log
/projects/metos/annefou/wrf/3.6.0/WPS/ungrib.exe >& ungrib.log
tail ungrib.log
ln -sf gribfiler/fraHelene/Vtable.ECATM Vtable
# Now, change SURF into ATM in namelist.wps and run the following
#/projects/metos/annefou/wrf/3.6.0/WPS/ungrib.exe >& ungrib.log
#tail ungrib.log
# ln -sf gribfiler/fraHelene/METGRID.TBL METGRID   
#/projects/metos/annefou/wrf/3.6.0/WPS/metgrid.exe >& metgrid.log
#tail metgrid.log
## then navigate to the WRFV3/run folder and run real.exe:
## cd ../WRFV3/run
## /projects/metos/annefou/wrf/3.6.0/dmpar/WRFV3/run/real.exe

Compiling WRF on Abel

Open namelist.wps before navigating to @abel~/WRF/WRFV3/run, where namelist.input is opened and corrected. Make sure that the date, time resolution, and e_we and e_sn are correct. Check the WRF user guide, p 5-25 (pdf version in the bottom left corner).

emacs namelist.wps &
cd ../WRFV3/run
emacs namelist.input &

Link the met_em files to the folder @abel~/WRF/WRFV3/run

ln -sf ../../WPS/met_em*


To produce wrfinput and wrfbdy, prepare a namelist.input and run real.exe via SBATCH or qlogin. First, link to the met_em* files:

ln -sf ../../WPS/met_em* .

For large jobs, it must be run in parallel. One possibility is to use qlogin:

qlogin --account=geofag --ntasks-per-node=8 --nodes=1 --mem-per-cpu=4000M
source /cluster/bin/jobsetup
ulimited -s unlimited
mpirun real.exe
squeue -U geofag

This can also be specified in a batch file In that case, run source before mpirun real.exe.

The job is finished when your username disappears from the queue. Check that the run was successful (the files rsl.out and rsl.error.0000 should be produced):

squeue -U geofag
tail rsl.out
tail rsl.error.0000
grep -i error rsl.*
grep cfl rsl.error.*
grep -i warning rsl.*

Then quit qlogin using exit.

To delete a job, run

scancel JOBID <number>


To run WRF, all of the steps above are required, that is, producing geogrid, metgrid and ungrib, and running real.exe. WRF.exe is also run in parallel on Abel, from the folder @abel~/WRF/WRFV3/run. Check the following in the file, depending on your job:

      1. Constraint...
Also, check that the text SCRACH (without the T) does not appear anywhere in the file. If so, change it to SCRATCH.
emacs &
squeue -U geofag

Depending on the size and the number of nodes, the job may take a while. The job is finished when your username disappears from the queue. Check that the run was successful (the files rsl.out and rsl.error.0000 should be produced):

cd WrfJob_<date>
squeue -U geofag
tail rsl.out
tail rsl.error.0000
grep -i error rsl.*
grep -i warning rsl.*
grep cfl rsl.error.*
grep cfl wrf.out

Visualise the output files on Rossby or Sverdrup

To check the output files, log on to rossby (which has NCview installed), and copy all nc files produced at Abel.

ssh -Y
scp<date>/wrfout* .
ncview wrfout...

In NCview, click the 3Dvar and choose any parameter. The parameter VEGFRA should give an impression of the map.