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'''<span style="color:#ff0000">Contact drift@geo.uio.no for getting new WINDFIELDS.</span>'''
'''<span style="color:#ff0000">Contact drift@geo.uio.no for getting new WINDFIELDS.</span>'''
'''<span style="color:#ff0000"></span>'''
=== <span class="mw-headline" id="DATA_FILES">DATA FILES (not updated by UIO)</span> ===
*Getting the daily files and other data from ECMWF [https://wiki.uio.no/mn/geo/geoit/index.php/FLEXPART_Model/DailyFiles FLEXPART Model/DailyFiles]
*The /xnilu_wrk directory structure [https://wiki.uio.no/mn/geo/geoit/index.php/FLEXPART_Model/XniluWrk FLEXPART Model/XniluWrk]
*Using the ECMWF archive [https://wiki.uio.no/mn/geo/geoit/index.php/FLEXPART_Model/ECMWFArchive FLEXPART Model/ECMWFArchive] or [https://wiki.uio.no/mn/geo/geoit/index.php/ECMWF ECMWF]
*Moving from GRIB1 to GRIB2 [https://wiki.uio.no/mn/geo/geoit/index.php/FLEXPART_Model/Grib2 FLEXPART Model/Grib2]
*Where are the FLEXPART input data [https://wiki.uio.no/mn/geo/geoit/index.php/FLEXPART_Model/WindFieldPaths FLEXPART Model/WindFieldPaths]
*EUCAARI and IASOA Backward Run Files [https://wiki.uio.no/mn/geo/geoit/index.php/FLEXPART_Model/EUCAARIRUNS FLEXPART Model/EUCAARIRUNS]
*MODIS hot spot data [https://wiki.uio.no/mn/geo/geoit/index.php/FLEXPART_Model/MODIShotspotdata FLEXPART Model/MODIShotspotdata]
'''<span style="color:#ff0000"></span>'''

Latest revision as of 11:25, 5 January 2015

We have an agreement with NILU to get WINDFIELDS for running FLEXPART. We do not mirror the entire FLEXPART "archive" from NILU but download data on demand for running FLEXPART on abel. We use a python script called getWINDFIELDS.py

module load flexpart




   getWINDFIELDS.py:  [-s,--startdate] [-e,--enddate] [-m,--model] [-p, --path] [-i, --interval] [-h] [-v,--verbose] [--version]


   getWINDFIELDS.py is a script to get FLEXPART windfields from NILU ftp

   Example usage:
   %getWINDFIELDS.py -s 200601 -e 200701  -p .

   would download FLEXPART windfields (ECMWF/GLOBAL/EI_fields) from NILU in the current directory
   between 200601 and 200701.
   There is no default start date and end date.


   University of Oslo. Send questions/requests to drift@geo.uio.no


   $Id: 0.001 $

--version               show program's version number and exit
--help, -h              show this help message and exit
--verbose, -v           verbose output
                        YYYYMM integer
--enddate=ENDDATE, -e ENDDATE
                        YYYYMM integer
--model=MODEL, -m MODEL
                        ECMWF/GLOBAL or ECMWF/NEST/n050  or NCEP/GLOBAL or
--path=PATH, -p PATH    prefix path for storing windfields.
--interval=TIMEINT, -i TIMEINT
                        expected time interval in h. If omitted, get all
                        available times
--type=TYPE, -t TYPE    OPER_fields or ERA_40_fields or EI_fields

Contact drift@geo.uio.no for getting new WINDFIELDS.

DATA FILES (not updated by UIO)